A not so friendly day.

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I'm still taking requests for t he ships don't worry but i figured this chapter would be Peter hanging out with his friends.

(at Midtown)
"Peter, wanna hang out with me, Ned and Harley later?" i ask, he hasn't been hanging out with us lately and i'm getting slightly suspicious.

"Of course!" He answers.

It was around lunchtime, Flash was staring daggers at Peter, Ned and Peter were talking about Star Wars and me and Harley were sadly sitting with them.

"Oi, Penis!" A certain Dickhead shouted.

"Eugene why are you so obsessed with Peter?" i asked squinting my eyes at him.

"i'm not obsessed with him! he's an idiot, a stupid orphan and he's worthless why would anyone be his friend!" he shouted stuttering at the start.

"Well you seem oddly obsessed with calling him 'Penis' are you sure you're not obsessed?" At that Eugene goes bright red.

"Who would like someone like him?! He's pathetic! He might as well kill himself!" Now everyone was quiet.

Harley was glaring at him, Ned was to shocked to say anything, Peter looked...sad? He's been looking tired lately. I stood up, got my book and slammed my book across his face, no one talks to my friends like that.

"No one and i mean no one, talks to my friends like that. Now fuck off" Eugene quickly ran away before i could hit him again.

"You alright Peter?" Harley asks.

"Mhm, yeah i'm good. i'm going to head to the next lesson." He said quite quickly and ran off.

He's definitely not doing good...

Peters POV
Flash was right, i am worthless, no one cares for me and....no i can't keep thinking like this. I'm going to text the group chat, maybe they can tell Tony i can't come today.

hey guys.

you work at SI right?

Mama Spider
yes...what's wrong Pete?

yeah wat ya need?

can you tell Tony i won't be able to come in today?

i gtg now...bye!

Nats POV
Peter isn't okay, i can tell. He's always so excited to message us but it just sounded so dull.

"Why can't Peter come in?" Tony asks.

"i don't know he doesn't seem to great..."

I was going to find out what's wrong eventually whether he likes it or not.

Peter POV
*at home*
I was going to meet up with MJ, Harley and Ned soon but i told them i'd be an hour. Flash is making me feel like shit, i don't feel like i belong here i just feel so...alone. May isn't home yet either, i haven't seen her in a while. *ding* I reached inside my pocket to check what message i got.

sorry i'm not home it's really busy at work and i had to travel somewhere so i won't be back for about a month.

stay safe, Larb you!

larb you too may.

Well that explains that. Out if the corner of my eye i see a knife...no...i shouldn't. But maybe, just one?

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