Don't tell anybody...

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Another chapter ahead! be prepared because....i don't actually know BUT anygay, enjoy

Third person POV
"So you're telling me that you only knocked out the guys?! And here i thought that you were trained to be agents." Fury yelled, the team all looked ashamed except from May.

"Well, Director, we though that if we bring them in...." May gives Maria a knowing look and Maria smirks. "May you always were my favourite," Maria said. Coulson looked offended but no one cared.

"And i can't believe you didn't invite me..." Fury mumbles under his breath. Daisy rolls her eyes, feeing brave enough to do that in front of Fury. "Hey don't you roll your eyes at me girl! I saw that, i'm only blind in one eye!" Fury said sternly to Daisy, she nearly laughed but kept it in.

"How did you lose your eye? You never told us.." Coulson asks, already knowing the answer.

"That's classified."

"Of course, sir."

Peters POV
"Hey, Peter, concentrate!" MJ whispered behind me, we were currently in science but i already knew what we were doing. I'd been getting weird looks from my school, let's say words get around quick here. "Peter, just because you are the son of Black Widow does not mean you can get away with dozing off in class!" The teacher shouted, everyone turned to me, flash snickered.

"I'm sorry, i haven't been getting a lot of sleep late-" Then the teacher interrupted me, "is that my fault?"

"i didn't say it was-"

"stop being so disrespectful! Leave my class immediately!" They screeched. I quickly exited the classroom and walked down the hall. Harley had been in the hallway, he was kicked from his lesson since he was being disruptive. He turned round and his eyes lit up, "Hey darlin', are you alright? You look exhausted!" Harley asks with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah...yeah i'm good..just the teacher being annoying again.." I whisper to make sure no one else is listening in. Harley nods, understanding the situation.

Mama Spider
Peter you can go back to class now

i spoke to your teacher :)

Yes. they are always scared of females.

Aunt May
they tend to be scared of me often as well

aunt may?! what?!

Aunt May
oh Nat added me!

Don't worry i'll be leaving in a minute!

*aunt may has left LaNgUaGe group chat*

Grandpa Capsicle
i think we should change the name

BoOm yOu lOoKiNg fOr tHiS
Fuck off

i like it

Grandpa Capsicle



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Who is this? (mama natasha fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ