Please don't leave me...

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Last chapter.. a sad chapter... OooOoOooOo.

Third Person
"Tony, it's time." Natasha says to him, he nods at her.

"I knew you'd need my help eventually, Stark." Half of the Avengers look at the man in confusion.

"Sorry. Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you all." He tells them.

"Right, so. Our plan is to not die?" Rhodey asks. "Stupid if you ask me." He continued. Most of the Avengers nodded.

"And we never see each other again unless for family or...other things..?" Pietro asks sadly. Once again, the Avengers nodded. Everyone sighed sadly. This was for Peters good to have a better childhood. He knew nothing of this.

"I'll tell my family..." Clint tells them, normally he would be happy but he wasn't.

"Let's just all take a few minutes, for all of us." Tony suggests. "Loki, a word." Loki nods at him and follows Tony out the room.

"Look, you and Natasha have an amazing relationship but.. you realise what could happen? i just...i want you guys to be happy and have a nice life. If i need to sacrifice myself i'll do it for you, for everyone. I just hope you and Nat get your happy ending." Tony tells him softly. Loki stared at him shocked.

"I...i don't know what to say. Thank you. Let's hope it doesn't end in death." Loki replies, he appreciated being cared for. He missed it, all the lonely nights didn't help on Asgard.

They walk back into the room. "We don't want them finding us. it could be a risk if we were all together. We can't destroy them." Bruce explained to everyone.

"But we can try..." Nat said.

"You know, this 'Mad Titan' can't he so bad...can he?" Sam said anxiously. I mean, he mind controlled Loki. He was definitely powerful.

"He is. There are so many ways this could go wrong, we need to act fast." Strange told them all, he'd seen the outcomes. He knew what had to happen. Did he want it to happen? Of course he didn't, but it was the only way.

"We're here! We made it!" Quill shouted coming out the elevator. The rest of the Guardians followed but less loud.

"I am Groot!" Groot said to Quill.

"Hey i am not annoying!" Quill argued back.

"Will you just shut up!" Nebula said angrily.

"Stephen, check the possibility's again! You must be able to tell us in one of them!" Scott whined, yes he was going into a war but...he was curious..

Stephens POV
I sighed, it wouldn't hurt to look again at them. I just hope the outcome that we had wasn't going to happen.

iN dA fUtUrE ;)
"SPIDERMAN?" Tony shouts, Natasha's face darkens. Why was he here?
"PETER GO BACK HOME, ITS NOT SAFE!" Natasha shouts, worried that her kid is going to get killed, or worse..
There was a skip. Strange couldn't see what happened next, all he heard was a faint voice. 'Please don't leave me...'.
Back to normal now

Third Person
Strange was confused. Why didn't it show him the rest? Someone must of died. He couldn't do anything about it, everything could go wrong and that wouldn't be good. "Hey, buddy, you alright?" Steve asks him, Strange nods in return.

"He's coming!" Mantis yells distressed. Strange opened a portal to a field, he didn't want to worry the citizens.

*Time skip brought to you by me watching Brooklyn nine-nine*

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