How dare you.

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thought we needed a less angsty chapter after the one we just had-

Third Person
"Peter put your hand down!" Natasha told him harshly. She had just gone through a panic attack and she was already on her feet. "OH HELL NAH TASHA, WE ARE GONNA KILL HIM!" Clint yells for everyone to hear.

"Kill who?" Vision asks curiously, entering through the wall.

"Ivan. Vision, he isn't good.." Wanda told him in a softer tone. If you listened hard enough you could hear everyone whispering 'kiss'. Wanda heard them but decided to ignore them.

"No. I want to help mama! They clearly hurt you so i want to help." Exclaimed Peter angrily. Natasha knew that she couldn't stop him from doing it but she didn't want anyone finding out the truth... no one could know. Maybe Clint can, they're quite close. I mean, Budapest was interesting... but we don't talk about that. This was different, Ivan had done many bad things.

That made her think. Why had Loki said, 'If i can do it, you can'. Had he been through this before? The pain, the suffering. Had Loki Laufeyson gone any of this?

Lokis thoughts were dark, hopefully Natasha wouldn't remember what he told her. "Brother, you alright there? You look in deep thought." Thor asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. All" i replied.

"YES! YOU CALLED ME BROTHER! MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE!" Thor celebrates. He does weird dances around the room while everyone stared at him.

*time skip brought to you by Agatha. It was Agatha all along*

"Are you sure it's here, Stark?" Wanda questions. She's never been to fond of him and she had her reasons. "This is the place..." Bruce says checking the surroundings.

"Clint, you go high. Check if anything is around that could put us in danger. Yony, also go high but the opposite side to Clint. Wanda, you know what to do and take your brother with you.

"Really?" Wanda says sounding disappointed.

"Yes! Pietro is fast!" Bruce replies.

"Hell yeah! Let's go sis." Pietro says.

After everyone else had a job to do everyone eventually said, 'clear'.

They all rush in with weapons. Wandas eyes were glowing red. "ah, Avengers, lovely to see you here" Spoke Ivan in a calm tone.

"You're done Ivan. Nothing will stop us." said Clint, anger clear in his voice. Ivan just chuckled, he had another plan up his sleeve. Everyone looked around confused until they saw a screen that he had hidden. They remembered that Tony had asked Peter to go to school earlier that day so he wouldn't get into trouble. 

"Alright, Stark, kill me and i kill your son." Ivan threatened. Tony froze in place, he didn't want the kid to get hurt. Natasha would be devastated and it would be all my fault... He didn't want that to happen to Peter. He was like a son to Tony. Bruce saw his hesitation and told everyone to stand down, Peter meant a lot to all of them. Any of the Avengers would do anything for him. 

"Ivan you son of a bitch..." Steve said to him. No one even cared to notice that Steve said a swear word. Ivan turned towards him and saw Bucky glaring daggers at him. "ah, the Winter Soldier. Always wanted to meet you. I see you're no longer under HYDRA's control." Bucky winced at the name but still kept glaring. 

"Well, Stark, you got yourself a crew there." Ivan chuckled darkly. 

"I'd watch what you're saying there." Wanda told him with her accent. Little fear was shown in his eyes until Wanda used her magic to lift him in the air. "You don't ever, and i mean ever, threaten my family for one second and get away with it!" Wanda told him, she wanted to crush him slowly but decided not to. After all, everyone else deserves revenge. 

"How dare you." Wanda finished, she let him down painfully. 

"Stark, you wouldn't possibly hurt your first ever son!" Ivan panicked, he was surrounded. This was how he was going to die. "Peter Parker is YOUR son! You're his dad, his biological dad!" Ivan shouted. Clint didn't look to surprised, Bruce wasn't either. Everyone else looked shocked.

"Shut. Up. You are nothing but evil, to think we'll-" 

"'s true.." Natasha answered, cutting off Bucky. Loki turned to face her, he smiled sadly at her. Ivan smirked in delight. 

"Permission to crush him?" Wanda asked in a sickly sweet voice. Everyone replied with a 'yes'.

"No! You don't know what you're doing! You'll be a murderer!" Ivan tries to convince Wanda but it just makes her more angry. She starts to crush every bone in his body. Once she had finished she dropped him to the floor and crouched down to the corpse, "I've done worse." she spat in his face and left the building.

*time skip brought to you sitting on the floor writing this.*

"Guys i'm home- Aunt May? Mama? D- Mr. Stark? What's wrong?" Peter asks concerned. 

"Pete, we need to talk. Tony and I... we're.."

"I am you're father basically." Tony finished.

"And i just want you to have a good life Peter, please don't think of us any differently.." Aunt May said, Peters face just lit up, leaving the adults confused. 

"TONY STARK AND NATASHA ROMANOFF ARE MY PARENTS! WOOOOOOO! THIS IS AWESOME GUYS!" Peter exclaimed happily. They just smiled at him. At least that went well for them. Although, who wouldn't want Natasha and Tony as their parents? 

"I'd say that went well." Tony says, getting rid of the silence in the room. Aunt May and Nat hummed in agreement, they just wanted to see Peter happy. 

"Are you not going to tell him?" Steve asks. 

"He can't know." Natasha and Tony say in sync.

This feels really rushed, sorry if it is. The second to last chapter!! ahhhh!!!! hope you enjoyed this one!
Have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night everyone!

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