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"Logan?" I questioned.

"Your Mom invited me," he says crossing his arms looking down.

Logan is the last person i would like and i can't get up to walk away.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah," i say in a unfazed tone.

"Look i'm sorry, i fucked everything up." He said putting his palm on his forehead. "I know there is nothing i can say to make you forgive me, I need you to know I care about you,"

"You're really going to talk about this now?"

"Camille, i need you to know how sorry i am."

"Your drunkenness was the reason my brother got in that car, " I knew what i said hurt his feelings but he finally gets the truth no one would tell him.

"Your brother was my best friend, i have to live knowing what happened and i'm trying to change." He had the look of anger in his eyes.

"You're trying to chan- change?" I say but struggles to get the words out. I was feeling the anger rise in me but i stayed as calm as possible.

"Camille, what can i do?"


"Camille, you have another visiter," the nurse said while poking her head in the room.

"We can talk later, Logan," Before saying anything Logan nods and walks out and i instantly knew who was coming in.

Even though i could see them, i felt uncomfortable knowing they are both here.

I fiddle with my hands as i hear Liam's footsteps. I was truly happy to see him but i think about the event that literally happened yesterday and now i don't know what to feel.

"You feel better?"

"Y-Yeah. How long have you been here?"

"All night."

I was taken by surprise that he was stayed here for me. I suddenly felt out of breath so i stopped talking to help myself breathe better.

"Cami?" Liam says while walking closer to the bed, "Do you need the doctor?"

"No, i'm okay.." I wanted to ask him about Ava but i felt like he wouldn't want to talk about it but i wanted to know, i wanted to know why?

"Liam, why did y-" I was cut off before i could finish.

"Cami, i want to talk about this, not today."

I wanted to yell, wanted to ask why and Liam give me an answer.

"I know what i saw Liam." I say in a low whisper and see him brush over his hair with his hand but doesn't make eye contact.

"Cami," he says in a way that sounded mad. Why the hell is he mad?

"Tell me the truth," i raise my voice but not to loud and he finally looks at me.

"Calm down!" he says leaning over.

I push him back and he's much stronger so he barely moves.

"Cami, today is about you."

I didn't have much more to say, i wanted him to explain everything to me but before i could say anything he gives me a kiss on the forehead and left.

Everything is happening so quick and now i'm alone the only thing i can think about is how i got here. That nightmare that won't escape my mind.

I hear the door creak open and see the presence of my mom walking into the room, she looked like she had just been bawling her eyes out and is trying to cover it up.

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