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He was wearing all black and i walked closer and heard as Spencer's car pulled off.

"Cami, i didn't think he would co-"

Before he could finish my sentence i pull Liam in a hug and soon enough he was hugging my back playing with my hair.

"He's out of my life for good. I get you were trying to help him understand but he never will," i say letting go and sitting down and he sits beside me.

I couldn't help but think about the interaction that Logan and I had and i didn't know if i should tell Liam about it.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have contacted him."

"Liam it's fine." i say touching his arm before looking down.

I immediately got an idea but kept it in my thoughts.

After Liam left I went to my room and got on my computer and after a couple minutes i was able to find Liam's dad on social media.

I sent a text on facebook hoping to hear back, as i was sitting looking at my computer i was just waiting then Lucy jumps up on my computer.

"Lucy!" i say picking her up and hearing her meow and the door opening at the same time.

I quickly close my computer before the person on the other side of the door could see.

"Cami," i hear my mom say in her sweet tone.

"Hi mom."

"Dinner will be ready in 10, what are you doing?"

"I was just doing this essay."

She looked at me with a "are you sure" look on her face before asking "What did your dad want?"

"Wait what?" i say acting confused.

"I saw his car," she said crossing her arms and i look down.

"Mom, i'm sorry i lied and said i was going with Lexi."

She walked closer and rubbed my shoulder "It's okay."

"He doesn't want me, I- if Matt didn't d- die he wouldn't have come." I said with my head down and my eyes watering.

"Camille, sweetie"

"There is nothing to say that will make up for his actions."

My mom stayed silent and rested her arm on my shoulder.

"I got homework to do," I knew there was nothing my mom could say that would make me feel better for what my dad has done. She doesn't deserve anything that has happened to her.

I watch as my mom walks out of the room and i wait for a message back.

Ten minutes later i walk to the kitchen and sit by Maddie.

My mom made her famous pot roast for dinner.

"Where's dad?" Madalayn asks.

"He got held up at work, i know you wanted him to take you for ice cream, i'm sorry sweetie."

"Can Cami take me?"

I look outside to see the sun setting, i never drive at night because i'm scared of it but i knew Maddie would get upset.

My mom looked at me with "answer her question" eyes.

"Okay, i'll take you."


Maddie jumped up with excitement then finally calmed down so we could eat.


"I want strawberry ice cream!" Maddie says to the man at the cashier. It took a turn for me because Maddie never used to say her order, now she's getting older and it's weird to think of her growing up.

I got the same order as Maddie and as we are able to walk out she wants to sit down and eat. I look outside to see it was getting darker but agreed to stay.

We find a two person table and sit down and before i can sit down shes already digging into the ice cream.

"Oww brain freeze." Maddie says touching her head.

"Eat slower," i laughed.

"I remember coming here," Maddie said after a few seconds of silence.

We came to Scoops o' Joy, every once in a while after Matthew's baseball games. As i look back the cafe looks the same and hasn't changed, it's a really cute pink and blue theme and reminds me of when i was a kid.

"I do too," i say looking around, it brought back memories.

"How's school?" I try to change the subject to lighten the mood.

"Good i have a best friend named Magnolia, i asked mom if she could come over and she said maybe."

"That's good," i say as i take a bite out of my ice cream.

Maddie continued on about school when i see a car outside that looks too familiar. I see a girl in front of the car and soon enough i see someone approaching her.


I've seen the girl before, it was Ava.

Liam leans on his car crossing his arms and the only thing I see their mouths move but can't make out what they are saying.

I turn my head to where they hopefully can't see me and Maddie notices.


"Huh what? i'm listening," i say casually.

"Okay and then she told me not to..."

I zoned out from the conversation again and looked back over to see them still talking. What could they possibly be talking about? I look back at Maddie and when i turn my head back i saw them kissing.

So many emotions at once, what has he been keeping from me? Was all this a act? I felt my eyes start to form tears then turn to Maddie.

"Let's go."

"W- what? i'm not done."

"Bring it with you." i say as i get up and grab my bag.

"But i-"

"Let's go!" i say again and i was a little louder and could tell people around heard and were staring at us.

Maddie didn't talk anymore but then got up but looked sad.

I walked out holding back my tears, i kept looking straight but from the corner of my eye i knew they saw me but as soon as Maddie got in the car i took off not looking back at them.

Maddie stayed silent, i felt bad for being rude but it was the worst possible timing.

I turned on the music to not make it awkward but also to relieve my stress. A couple of tears come rolling down but the music covers the noise of me crying.

I hear my phone ding but don't look down and after a couple more minutes it dinged again and again. I knew those text were from Liam.

Thank you for reading!!

As you know i haven't posted in a while and have been really stressed with school.

I had no idea what type of feedback i would get from you guys but every response has been positive and pushes me forward to continue writing.

See you guys in the next chapter!

I Love you guys and stay safe!

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