Bright lights

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Trigger warning ⚠️

I don't pick up my car home to see the messages but instead continue driving in silences.

I pull into my driveway and get out out of the car and I see Maddie walks past and doesn't say anything. I felt bad and as i'm trying to say sorry she walks in the house.

I felt like crying but couldn't get tears out so i quickly lock the car doors and run inside to my room.

I close the door so no one would have to listen to me.



I don't say anything but lay face first on my bed and hear the door open.

"What's wrong?"

I look up to see my mom coming closer to my bed. I guess Maddie told her i was being rude and it makes me feel bad.

"It's nothing."

"Cami tell me what's wrong," she pats my back.

I get up and lean on my mother before my nose starts to burn from holding back tears.

"Is this about a boy?"

I immediately look at her and she knows.

"Whatever it is doesn't give you a right to be mean to your sister."

"I know i'm sorry."

"You should be telling her that not me," My mom pats my back before getting up and calling Maddie in the room and her walking out soon after.

"I'm sorry Maddie," i say as she walks in and i know there is nothing else better to say.

"I accept your apology as long as you give me free ice cream for a month," she does her little puppy dog face basically encouraging me to agree.

I throw a pillow at her and we both start laughing.

"Only a week."

"Ugh fine.."

Maddie walks closer and we both hug and then i kept hearing my phone buzz.

"Okay i'm going sleep," i say to Maddie.

"Goodnight, i'm expecting ice cream tomorrow," she said with a laugh and run out before i could speak back and i roll my eyes.

I turn over and pick up my phone to see 20 messages from Liam and 10 miss calls.

the texts read "Cami text me back" "Answer me please" "i can explain" and more.

I definitely didn't want to talk to him so i decided to go to sleep and drift off into another world of dreams.



I voice i know quite well was speaking to me.

"Help me."

I look around to see a road and i'm standing in the middle of it.

I look around and the road doesn't look familiar at all.

"Hello?" i call out seeing if i could find something in this dark place.




I follow the voice seeing if i could find it.

The darkness scared me and i started running closer to the voice as it got louder.

I finally see light.

I see this light coming towards me and i run to the side to get out of the way and when it got closer i realized it was a car.

"Cami i'm sorry." This voice was different then the other ones and i could see this person right in front of me. It was Logan.

The voice before was my brother and as soon as Logan said sorry he vanished and i see the car speeding and i knew what was coming. Matthew's death.

The car was going towards a pole and all i hear is screaming coming out and i couldn't help but scream back-

I gasp for air as my body raises from my bed and before i could process anything i see my stepdad and mom run into the room.

"I-i." i gasp and all i could see was water from my eyes.

John was at the bottom of my bed when my mom was next to me.

"It's okay, i'm here, you had a nightmare," my mom said while stroking my hair and i try to catch my breath.

Everything at once was happening, the thought of seeing Logan or my brother again.

It's harder for me to breathe and every time i gasp for air i start crying more.

"Call 911," my mom said to John and he picks up his phone.

"She's having a panic attack."


I've always had anxiety, since i was a kid.

When my dad left it caused a lot of sadness for me.

My first panic attack was when i was 9.

After my dad left i went to therapy for years and i've gotten better to the point where i forgot i had really bad anxiety.


Lights is all i see. Doctors shining lights on me and checking me.

I had something on me to where i could breathe better because i could hardly breathe

I look around and see how bright everything is. I guess i was asleep for a while because last thing i remember was waking up and now i'm here.

"You're awake," i hear a voice thinking it was my mom so i turn and see Lexi.

"W- what are you doing here," i ask in a low voice.

"I'm here for you! I've been waiting for you to wake up. How are you feeling?"

"Better," i say a bit louder so she can hear.

Before i can say anything a doctor comes in.

"Times up."

Lexi looked upset but she left the room before i could say anything and soon enough someone else walked in.


A figure walks towards me and as my vision clears i can finally see who this person in front of me is.



Thank you guys for reading!!

I know this chapter could be triggering for some people but if you ever feel down, just know you always have someone to talk to!!

Love you guys for all the love and support!!

You guys give me motivation to continue writing.

See you guys in the next chapter!!

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