The boy

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He towered over me looking at me up and down. This was the boy that was staring at me inside. He looked like he was about 6'2 and even though i was wearing heels that made me taller but still felt short seeing someone that tall that close. Since it's dark it was harder to see his eyes. But seeing him up close you can see his chestnut brown hair and it looks so soft you want to touch it.

"Are you Matthew's sister?" his voice was smooth and calming.

I roll my eyes " Do people know me as anything else but Matt's sister." I said when a firm tone.

He laughed "Sorry, I'm Liam."

"My name is Camille."

I've never seen this person in my life and it made me nervous being around him even though i just met him.

"I don't think you want your brother to drive you home."

"Why not!?"

He looked around then looked back at me "He's drunk."

Ugh that made me so mad first i was dragged to this party, i was freezing, and how am i going to explain this to mom.

"Are you cold?"

I turned to Liam and see him take off his jacket.

"No it's okay."

I started looking through my purse for my phone "I just need to call a cab to take me home."

"I know you're cold, you're shivering."

He handed me his jacket and i quickly put it on because i was freezing and it was nice of him seeing as i was wearing the worlds shortest dress which probably gave him the impression that i'm just any high school thot.

He looked around and then looked back at me like i was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. I couldn't quite figure him out either.

"I'm getting tired of the party, I don't mind taking you home."

At the moment i thought that was the sweetest thing ever and i was shocked because no one has ever noticed me or if they have noticed me they bully me.

At the same time he was a stranger and who knows what would happen. When i looked at my phone i realized my phone was dead.

He laughed and i saw his pearly white teeth. Then i wondered how could you see someone's teeth you see in the dark look that white! He ran his fingers through his hair and you could tell it was soft.

"It's totally fine if you don't want a ride."

He turned and started to walk away.

At that moment i had a feeling i could trust him. He turned to walk away but i stopped him.

"Wait, can you take me home?"

He turned, lifted up his keys and smiled and i couldn't help but smile back.

He walked towards his car and opened the door for me which i blushed at and at the same time hoped he didn't see me. My feet were killing me so i was glad to sit down and not have to stand for any longer.


It felt so crazy riding in a car i've never been in and wearing technically a strangers jacket, but my real problem is what am i going to tell my mom. I knew going to the party was a bad idea and Matt is going to get in trouble for this. I put my address in his GPS and he started driving.

"Are you new to the school." Liam said while staring at the road ahead.

I turn in shock and he quickly turned to me

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