Goodnight Princess.

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 reads!!

I love all of the comments y'all leave on the chapter it makes me so happy to hear all the positive feedback.

Thank you guys for everything!!

Remember 200 reads and i will show the character.



So many thoughts when in my mind at once. I don't know how i feel for Liam. It's a bunch of mixed emotions but during this time i have no idea what to think.

My Mom, Madalayn, and John all came into my room and sat on the bottom of my bed.

"We talked about it and his funeral will be in two days" said my mom.

That's so soon, i'm not ready to say goodbye. Of course my family had the money for it. My mother was a lawyer and my stepdad was a accountant.

"I-" no words can form in my mouth.

I saw as Maddie was crying and my mother and John were holding her tight.

"All of his friends from school will be coming," my mother said as a attempt to make me feel better the slightest bit.

"Alright," i didn't have anything else to say but they all got up and left my room.

I look at my phone waiting for another message from Liam, but i understand he wanted to give me space. He gave me what i needed.

I've always had my licenses but driving has always been scary for me. That's why Matthew would drive me everywhere.

I knew i had to get over that fear. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my car keys.

"Where are you going," said my mother she knows i never drive. I could see the fear in her eyes not wanting what happened to Matthew to happen to me.

"I'm just going for a ride."

"Be careful sweetie, I love you."

"I love you too," and then i was out the door.

Just sitting in the drivers seat scared me. I started the car and pulled out as slow as i can. Better be safe then sorry. Being on the main road scared the shit out of me, seeing all of the other cars drive by going way faster than you is scary.

It was about 7:30 by this time. So it was getting dark.

At least 5 people honked at me which didn't make driving even easier.

I went to the one and only Mcdonald's. I know this is crazy but this place has special value to me.

My mother would take Matt, Maddie, and I here almost everyday. We would always go play on the playground and even when Matthew and I would fight my mother knew if we came to a place where we can play on a playground, eat chicken nuggets and get toy as a little kid that we would have no worries. Most of our memories were Mcdonald's.

Parking the car was the hardest part for me and after people honking at me it would make it harder to concentrate. I finally parked and get out of the car. It wasn't the best parking skills but it wasn't that bad.

I could feel small droplets of rain so i hurried inside.
I got a big mac and my large sprite and sat down. Seeing all of the kids playing brought back so many memories. Wishing i had made more memories.

It started pouring outside. Great. Now it might take me a while before i could get back to my car.

Almost finished with my food still watching the kids play and seeing them laugh, someone sat down in front of me.

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