07 | Tension Arising

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[ Chapter 7 ]
❛Tension Arising❜
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AMARA TRIED HER ABSOLUTE HARDEST to ignore her racing heart, as Jay lead her away from prying eyes with his hand clasped tightly around her own

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AMARA TRIED HER ABSOLUTE HARDEST to ignore her racing heart, as Jay lead her away from prying eyes with his hand clasped tightly around her own.

The feeling of nervousness was building up in her chest, nervous to find out what Jay wanted to talk to her about, but also growing nervous to be alone with the boy again - he always seemed to have this effect on her.

Wordlessly and determined, Jay scanned his surroundings until he found an ideal place for himself and Amara to reside privately; with no interruptions. Only when he spotted the area of forestry in the southwest corner of the Glade - 'perfect' he thought.

Amaras eyes widened in fear upon finally seeing where he was leading her... straight to the Dead head.

Starting to tug back on his arm, Amara drugged her heels in the grass and tried to escape from his grasp; putting up a struggle and Jay very much felt this as he sighed; stopping in his tracks and turning to face the girl with a stern look in his eyes, his grip on her only tightening.

"Don't do this greenie." He warned her, as if daring her to try something and Amara being the stubborn girl she was... she pulled with all her might... however, Jay didn't budge an inch.

Her brown doe eyes widened in instant regret; especially when she seen a smirk grow slowly on his plump; luscious lips and a mischievous glint shine in his eyes.

"I did warn you..." he whispered tauntingly and before Amara even had the chance to blink, Jay had crouched down and grabbed the girl around her legs; throwing her over his shoulder and letting her hang there like she was nothing more than a bag of potatoes.

Amara gasped in both shock and fright at his actions, especially now that the world around her hand turned upside down, much like her life had these past few days.

Her shocked state quickly turned angry however as she began to bang her fists against the back of the boys legs; leaving no effect as she realised just how strong and large his thighs were.

"Jay... whatever you're second name may be... put me down!" She commanded but frowned when she heard Jimins melodic laughter. Clearly he was enjoying this...

"I warned you Greenie." He repeated his words from moments ago and Amara was left to angrily pout; simply hanging there for Jay in defeat... until there was a slither or Hope when...

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