26 | Night in the Slammer

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[ Chapter 26 ]
❛Night in the Slammer❜
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-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------[ Chapter 26 ]  ❛Night in the Slammer❜-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------

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The brunette sat up in her bed, panting heavily as her wide eyes quickly attempted to adjust to the room herself and Jay shared. The room was dark, much darker compared to the bright white room she seen in her dreams. The contrast made her eyes hurt, but she didn't pay them much mind. Her focus was elsewhere. . . somewhere more important.

Hearing rustling beside her, Amara slowly turned her head to her left. Jay had just turned in his sleep so he was now facing her, but luckily he lay fast asleep still. How her scream had not woke him up, she wouldn't know. Maybe she didn't even scream, it may of just been in her dream as well.

Running her hand through her hair, she pulled it away quickly when she felt how wet her hair was with sweat. Now that she was awake and much more attentive, she realised now her whole body was laced with sweat, like she had just come back from running around the maze with Jay. She frowned at her peculiar state.

Her panting had slowed down, but it failed to stop altogether. In fact, she still felt hot. Too hot and uncomfortable for her liking. She needed to get out of this bed; out of this room and that's exactly what she did.

Amara threw a cautious glance at Jay, keeping her gaze solely on him as she slowly lifted the blanket from off her form. Then, she swung her legs round and down until they met with the floor. She almost let out a satisfactory moan at the feeling of the cold wood against her abnormally warm skin.

Not once did she peel her eyes away from Jay, even when she brought herself to stand. Again, she kept her movements slow as if moving fast would kick up a fuss and disturb the boy she cared about in his slumber. Speaking of caring, Amara couldn't help herself as she took a moment to watch over the keeper, a small smile graving her lips as she admired his handsome features that looked awfully cute as of right now. He even pouted whilst he slept. She internally swooned, before internally hitting herself for getting distracted.

Continuing on with her mission, Amara crept ever so slowly towards the door that would allow her to exit herself and Jay's sleeping quarters. With every step she took, she prayed and prayed that the floorboards wouldn't creak and disturb her Jay who remained sleeping still.

The girls face contorted into a grimace when she stepped on a certain floorboard and it creaked in complaint underneath the weight of her foot. Her whole body immediately tended and she paused in her movements, not moving an inch even down to a single hair on her body in fear she had woken up Jay. Luckily, when she turned to look over her shoulder she was relieved to see he remained asleep.

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