24 | Namjoon Remembers

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[ Chapter 24 ]
❛Namjoon Remembers❜
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-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------[ Chapter 24 ]  ❛Namjoon Remembers❜-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------

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FOR THE SECOND TIME THAT DAY,  Jungkook was shocked into silence. Amara, meanwhile, found herself questioning the universe, yet again, why it was always herself and, or, Jungkook who was at the centre of everything these days— could they not catch a break?

"Well, come on you two," Hope said to Jungkook and Amara as he grabbed their arms and pulled them both towards the door. "There's no way I'm not going with ya."

The two apprehensively followed him, with Chuck and Jay right behind, as they left the council room and went down the hall towards a narrow, spiralling staircase. Hope took the first step, then turned and gave Chuck a stern look. "You. Stay."

The boy opened his mouth to protest, but Jay was quick to speak over him. "I'll take care of him." He assures Hope, before he began to lead the young lad away.

Amara was able to steal one last fleeting glance at Jay, suddenly feeling scared by the fact he wouldn't be by her side as she confronted a possibly wild Namjoon. They met eyes, and the runner only nodded his head, assuring her she would be fine without him there, before he left the Homestead for good.

The two newbies were feeling terrified, even petrified, and they didn't know why. Was it because they could be attacked like they was by Ben only days ago? Those who have been stung seem unpredictable and vicious, it wasn't exactly appealing nor comforting knowing they would be stuck in a small room with Namjoon.

Shaking themselves off, trying to shake away their feeling of fear, Amara and Jungkook began to climb the narrow stairs, one behind the other. Sweat slicked the boys palms, whilst Amara felt her heart race.

Hope, all grim and solemn, was waiting for the two at the top of the stairwell. They stood at the opposite end of the long, dark hallway from the usual staircase, the one Amara climbs every night to access the room she shares with Jay.

They followed Hope to the second door on the right and watched as the older boy knocked lightly; a moan sounded in reply. Hope pushed open the wooden door, creating a slight creak. The noise had reminded Jungkook of a vague childhood memory of horror movies. There it was again— the smallest glimpse at his past. He could remember movies, but not the person who he remembered watching them with all of the time. . . it was impossible to explain exactly how that felt, to not remember. It was horrible and aggravating.

Hope had stepped into the room and was motioning for the two apprehensive beings to follow. As they entered, they prepared themselves for the horror that might await, ready to lunge at them when given the chance. However, all they saw was a very-weak looking Namjoon lying in his bed, eyes closed.

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