28 | Training in the Maze

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[ Chapter 28 ]
❛Training in the Maze❜
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THEY WENT THROUGH THE WEST DOOR into Section Eight and made their way down several corridors

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THEY WENT THROUGH THE WEST DOOR into Section Eight and made their way down several corridors. Jungkook was tight beside Amara, Jay just upfront who was turning right and left without seeming to think about it, running all the while.

The early-morning light had a sharp sheen about it, making everything look bright and crisp - the ivy, the cracked walls, the stone blocks of the ground. Though the sun had a few hours before hitting the noon spot up above, there was plenty of light to see by. The twins kept up with Jay as best as they could, having to sprint every once in a while to catch back up.

They finally made it to a rectangular cut in a long wall to the north, which looked like a doorway without a door. Jay ran straight through it without stopping. "This leads from Section Eight- the middle left square - to Sectiom One - the top left square. Like I said, this passage is always in the same spot, but the route here might be a little different because of the walls rearranging themselves." Jay said loudly as they ran.

The twins followed him. Jungkook, who hadn't much experience running at all, was surprised at how heavy his breaths had already become. Unlike Amara, who seemed to be handling the exercise a lot better than himself - then again, she had been running with Jay longer than himself. He cut himself some slack. He hoped it was only jitters, that his breathing would steady soon.

The trio ran down a long corridor to the right, passing several turns to the left. When they reached the end of the passage, Jay slowed to barely more than a walk and reached behind him to pull out a notepad and pencil from a side pocket in his rucksack. He jotted a note, then put them back, never fully stopping. The twins wondered what he'd written, but Jay answered them before either could pose the question.

"I rely. . . mostly on memory," the Keeper huffed, his voice finally showing a hint of strain. "But about every fifth turn, I write something down to help me later. Mostly just related to stuff from yesterday - what's different today. Then I can use yesterday's map the make today's. Easy-peasy."

Jungkook was intrigued. Jay did make it sound easy.

They ran for a short while before they reached an intersection. They had three possible choices, but Jay went to the right without hesitating nor asking for the twins input. As he did so, he pulled one of his knives from his pocket and, without missing a beat, cut a big piece of ivy off the wall. He threw it on the ground behind him and kept running.

"Bread crumbs?" Jungkook asked, the old fairytale popping into his mind. Such odd glimpses of his past stopped surprising him at this point. The group came to a stop.

"Bread crumbs," Jay clarifies, turning back to the twins. "I'm Hansel, you're Gretel and you. . ." he trailed off as his index finger points at Amara who stood still, one eyebrow raised, intrigued to hear his next words.

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