My Pabo 13

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My Pabo 13

The sky started rain down.
Jimin occasionally squint at me who drove slow and carefully because of the slippery road.

"this flower is so beautiful hyung.."
He pointed at the bouquet of white roses on his lap.
"I like the red one.. " he utter in half whispers but I can still catch his words.

Luckily..the rain stopped when we reached to our destination.
Carefully.. I hold tight on his wrist.
This clumsy mochi will fall again on the slippery path.
I didn't want to carry him like before...
Even though.. I enjoyed it.

" Jimin. And my beloved mother.."
Jimin head down to gave his respect and greeting my mom while I took the bouquet and place it on her grave.

Jimin step forward and crouched next to my mom grave.

"hi Mrs Min. I'm grateful to meet you. You have such a great son...and he is a caring person too. Don't worry.. I'll will take care of him and be sure that he will happy with me.."
He started a conversation with her.

I startled.
What in the hell that he makes such promise to  my mom?

"I can't change his savages attitude..but I will  make sure that he will be a beloved person.."

I smirked and shake my head.
Apparently my chest feels been crushed inside and without notice..I'm tearing up.
This pabo..
I turn away..I didn't want he see me crying.
Faster.. I rub my eyes and clear it from tear.

"didn't you want to say anything to your mom?"
He gave me a tight  back hug from behind.
I sniffs and took a deep breath.

"yeah.. If you had done.. Let's keep going.."
I try to control my emotions and grab his hand..walk to the car.

Bless us mom..and I love you.


Jimin sigh.
Who the hell is disturbing him this time.
It almost midnight..and he still struggling with his tutorial question..

Jungkook rush in without been invited after Jimin open the door.
He walk to Jimin rack that full with goods and groceries.

"how much this instant noodles?" he asked.

"five dollars.. "

"what? I can buy two of these in convenience store with five dollars.."

"then..go buy there. And put back my thieves.."

He started grab everything..not just the noodles cup but also a tin of tuna and some snacks.

"are you doing your groceries shopping here?"

"sharing is caring.. " he nods and replied back with his bunny smile.

"did you try to rob me? I didn't even know you.. "

Jungkook scratching his head with smile.

"my room is right on the corner. I'm first year student of sport science..nice to meet you Jimin...and you so cute.. "

Jimin wipes through his face.

"did you think a compliment can make me gave everything to you? Put it back before I stab you with this"
Jimin threatened Jungkook with pen on his hand.

His act make Jungkook burst with laugh.

"are you having a party?
Tae came in with puzzled face.
"I got a company.."
He smirks with naughty smile.

"both of you.. Get the hell out from my room!"
Jimin chase both guys away and slam the door shut.
Slowly he rub his chest..
Those guys really gave him a headache.

💜 MY PABO (YOONMIN)  [[COMPLETE]]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang