My Pabo 16

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My Pabo 16

"mochi... I've heard you involved in a business..mochi mart? Did you intend to change your course as well? "
When I saw him..the first thing I'm intend to do is mocking him.
I can see his sulking face..but I love it.
He looks so adorable...

He let go of heavy sigh and gaze at me with sad eyes.
"I need you to punch someone for me. He was the reason I've got through this must give him a lesson!"
He ask for my favor with pitiful look.


"am I look like a thug to you?"
I still want to tease him.
I can see his dissapointed face.
What he wants just my protection..and be protected from bullies.

"I'm not going to get into trouble mochi. This is my final years.."
I smirked and stay with my decision..refuse to help him..
Apparently..he kept silent.

I hurt him!
Bad Yoongi!
What did you do?
I must say something..

"well.. In your case.. I will give an exception.."
I give him my words and my naughty finger gently pinches his chubby cheeks.

His pouting face now fading away and with bright smile..he jump to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Jimin.. stop it..i can't breathe.."
I try to pull over..
My pale skin had turned into red and I feel so hot.

Since he gave me a peck..I felt miserable. Everytime when he touched me..or come heart will stop beating...
An electric shock will take over my whole body as well..
Did he put a spell on me?

He heard my groans and pull over to gave me space to breathe again.
I sigh deeply after recovering from that weird feeling.

"listen.. Instead of do rough things like fight or punch someone.. I better stay away."
"don't give in to worry or anger.. It's only leads to trouble.."
"let's think for another option..something like..move out from college and stay at another place.."
I gave him my solution...

"but hyung... I didn't have place to stay. After all..I have a financial problem too.."
He told me with low voice while his finger running through my shirt sleeves.

Stop seducing me mochi!
I'll try to be serious right now.

" c..can stay with me.. I my in my place.. Yeah..with me.."

What's wrong with me?

He chuckles a little..happy to see my graceless.
Bad mochi!
Now.. I look like pabo to him..

Without warn.. I cupped his small face.
He startled and his crescent eyes become wide instantly.

"Jimin.. "
I call his name with my husky voice and looks through his eyes with a loving look.
His face start covered with sweat and his soft cheeks had blushes into red.

Without any delay..I gave him a kiss..a passionate one that he will never forget.

This is your pabo!

💜 MY PABO (YOONMIN)  [[COMPLETE]]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu