note from authAURA~

Start from the beginning

In less words, eating disorders do not disappear when someone tells one to eat. These are imbedded, psychological conditions that remain prominent for years after gymnasts/dancers/athletes finish competing. I also did not intend to glamorize them in any form, so I apologize if it came across that way.


McKayla Maroney

Her character was meant to show Jungkook love and support, and to be a little on the wild side. She reveals to him what being free means, and helps him realize that being spontaneous is not a bad thing.

Many might be wondering...did Jungkook actually like McKayla when he kissed her/hung out all those times? The answer is yes, but where on the "like scale" his adoration for her fell in comparison to Leonardo...that's an entirely different matter. For the most part, McKayla made Jungkook feel welcome, excited...liked. She helped him in a variety of situations--after he vomited, she gave him Gatorade, she helped him translate the Portuguese word pai at the photoshoot...she even helped Jungkook and Leo film videos to communicate.

So even if she might have seemed like the annoying, bratty gymnast who only got in the way of LeoKook, well...her initial meetings with Jungkook helped shaped Jungkook's personality. Arguably, she was the impetus for Leo's jealousy...which led to a confession...which led to them loving each other...anyway.


Leonardo Costa, His Father...His Mother



Before I launch myself into the nuances of his character and family situation and themes and everything, I want to let you know Leo's death was planned from the start. He was never meant to survive to the Olympics. Jungkook was set to receive the gold medal the entire story. The fact that Jungkook sacrificed his life's dream to lose and get second for Leo is where my story idea began, and where the influence of Leonardo Costa began as well...

His father. A man, deeply troubled by many things. The reader doesn't see much of Costa Sr. other than when he gets angry or hurts Leo. Of course, the iceberg on the surface doesn't determine what is under the water. Leo's father was likely going through a lot: his wife dying of Leukemia, pressure to win...perhaps even some self-induced pressure that if Leo didn't win it might reflect upon his own fatherly image. Call it selfish, brutal, awful...but the man was in pain. Leo saw through the abusive tyrant and tried to recognize the person underneath, and that is why he felt so desperate to keep it a secret. He even defended his father during the abuse trials. Blood is thicker than water in these scenarios. That's the person Leo called father his whole life, so he could forgive the abusive behaviors...alas.

His mother. Leo's mother is more of a symbol than anything. The reader never hears more of Leo's mother other than she is terribly ill and one of Leo's biggest fans. Almost instantly, this plants her in the angel category, where innocent children and stray puppies fall. The reader sympathizes readily for her, and they want Leo to be happy as well. Her death, I hope, was unfortunate and seemingly unfair. To make it worse, Leo never got to say goodbye, which is a common fear of many individuals, to miss out on their loved ones' passing. Ah, poor Mrs. Costa. Rest in peace with your beautiful son.

Leo. Ah. Don't make me do this.

Okay, sorry. I'm okay.

No I'm not.

Even though I knew for months that I wanted Leo to die, I was constantly torn with how I wanted it to happen. Originally, he was supposed to fall into grief's hands after his mother's passing and his father's abuse and decide to take his life. However, I felt about halfway through the story that this method of departure wouldn't fit his nature. After LeoKook started falling in love, I threw that off the table. I then decided he was going to die by accident. The plane crash I used in this story was inspired by a real airline crash in 2009 where a plane traveling to Paris, France from Rio de Janeiro crashed, killing all 228 passengers and crew. Horribly unfortunate, isn't that?

Leo Taura | J.JK ✓Where stories live. Discover now