Jiving to Rock and Roll

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Cream Soda~

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Cream Soda~

A bright, tangy orange that links to the reproductive system. Signifies courage and adventurous excitement. An intrepid shade of joy for go-getters, idealists, and positive-thinkers.

 An intrepid shade of joy for go-getters, idealists, and positive-thinkers

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I've decided that I'm going to shift all my belongings to the wall opposite of my neighbor.

With someone containing as competitive a spirit as Costa, leaving my bed pushed up against our shared wall might be utterly dangerous. While I sleep, his energy source will meddle with mine, pocketing my energy to strengthen his own. A slumbering thief prepared only to win. But I won't let him. What looks like paranoia to an outsider might be the difference between first and second.

Moving the bed to the opposite wall was easy enough--my upper body isn't weak at all and my knack of handling objects paid off. After the dresser and nightstand were shifted away from the bad RED wall, my arms were a little tired. Nothing too serious, though. Nothing a little sleep won't get rid of before the first day of training tomorrow.

The television I was forced to leave on the bad side of the room, by his wall. But it's not like I'm going to watch TV anyway.

Coach always tells me if I have free time its to be either spent monitoring my routines, stretching, relaxing my muscles, or doing something that isn't as mind-numbing as watching TV. Whenever my peers would discuss the newest drama on TV or what happened on the news, I would smile and nod, pretending to be in on the secret. In reality, I rarely even touch remotes. When I'm not at the gym or recovering, I'm listening to music.

Music. The most powerful tool in the world. 

If only people could see what it did to their auras, how it transforms them! How it can uplift, motivate, charm, and crush people! Like downing a cappuccino on a drowsy morning, music kickstarts life energy into the body, into the soul. It's fascinating to watch the aura of someone listening to music, and even more interesting to observe that of the musician playing it.

Leo Taura | J.JK ✓Where stories live. Discover now