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Lost Bronze~

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Lost Bronze~

A faded yellow that creeps into brown. Suggests a sickliness in mind, a repetitive thought process that is demonstrably neglectful of physical health.

 Suggests a sickliness in mind, a repetitive thought process that is demonstrably neglectful of physical health

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"So, the first thing you're going to do when you get there?"

"Sleep." I answer Kohei Fujimoto, who walks alongside me down the gymnasium hallway. 

Like my prompt visit with McKayla, Kan allowed me to speak with another gymnast before my late night practice as long as I stayed entirely away from Leonardo. I chose to talk with Kohei, hoping to catch up on the basics for London. 

Everyone else in the Road to London camp seems to know all about England, from the nuances in the accent to the tall city buildings. They have spent weeks planning what they're going to do upon arrival. I haven't, of course, since Kan has forced me under a rock for the duration of camp.

'For my protection.' He'd said.

"Sleep? Are you kidding, Jungkook?" 

We cross the hallway, striding over to the atrium. During the daytime the atrium is mostly empty, save for a few gymnasts that sit in cushioned chairs by the vast, floor-to-ceiling windows. For entertainment, the gymnasts range from staring at their smartphones to reading books to zoning out on the emptiness of the Arizona skyline. I turn to Kohei.

"What else would I do? The time difference between here and London would make me jet-lagged. Kan wouldn't want that for competition. I have to be well-rested before the big day."

I leave out the fact that even on the big day, all the sleep in the world wouldn't get me a first place medal. Nope, that award is off the table. It's already designated for Leo to wear only. 

No matter what, I'll force myself to lose for him.

Kohei motions to a seat by one of the windows, and I plop into it. "Agh, whatever. Sleep is great, I guess, but when I get there I'm going to eat a scone or, uh, fish and chips, or...what else do they have in London? I know they probably have great food, from what I've heard. I just can't think!"

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