Lock and Key

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Sunflower Petal~

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Sunflower Petal~

A deep yellow that signifies a newfound inspiration and optimism in surroundings. Pertains to those seeking a journey in environment who have found 'it' for themselves.

 Pertains to those seeking a journey in environment who have found 'it' for themselves

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My locker is next to his.

My locker...in the fucking locker room. Is next to his. 

Next to Leonardo Costa's. 


I thought I was doing well in choosing the locker right next to the doorway, but turns out it was a colossal mistake. Following our rings exhibition--when we were all funneling into the locker room, sweaty and trailing fatigue--I noticed the odd, red-slimed combination lock on the locker next to mine. I blinked at it, confused for a while, until a warm shoulder brushed against mine. Before I even turned to see who it was, I could feel the familiar zinging pinch of a large personality. I could feel the way my heart rate soared, sensed the domineering presence of my biggest competitor.

"Oh, you're next to me." He said, after saying something in Portuguese that I couldn't decipher. "Locker neighbors."

I briefly glanced at him and flashed a polite smile, but I was tired out and just wanted to shower and lay down. Nodding, I said something dumb along the lines of "you better not get in my space" in a joking manner and I vaguely remember him laughing.

Other than mild irritation and tired shock, the only thing coursing through my veins was a perplexing red.

Why? I asked myself. Why did he pick the locker next to mine? And then I realized.

'Fuck, Jungkook.' I thought to myself. 'It's so obvious. When Costa was choosing his locker, he thought of the same things you did. He was thinking--get a spot closer to the gym, closer to the training area rather than prioritizing the other amenities. Be the first one in the gym. Don't let others get to you, and be professional about it.'

Leo Taura | J.JK ✓Where stories live. Discover now