Training Camp

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Newborn Boy~

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Newborn Boy~

Middle turquoise blue that signifies sensitivity and emotional receptiveness. Tends to linger around compassionate people who empathize with others.

 Tends to linger around compassionate people who empathize with others

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Nobody is as confusing for me to read as Leonardo Costa.

My coach's reading--easy as pie. Currently, he is surrounded by a dirty silver with flecks of murky green. He's feeling insecure and doubts my ability to perform under pressure. He's secretly afraid I'll make him look bad, make all of his effort spent on coaching me look pathetic to the other coaches. His third layer--mental layer--sports brown, the color of greed and selfishness.

As much as Coach Kan tries to appear like he cares about my well being, he hopes that I'll perform well to protect his own image. He's scared that I won't live up to the hours of training that I've put into this sport when the time comes to perform routines.

I can get all of this info about him from a single glance and some ruminating. He's easy to read, as simple as reading a preschool Lexile picture book.

Other people are harder to read, but with enough effort I can get to the bottom of them. With Costa...


Just yesterday in the bathroom, his first layer was so blinding that I couldn't even focus on the rest of him. An absolute auric stealer, Costa sucks the energy out of others while he commands their entire attention. He's a personality bigger than life, with enough determined ambition and passion for his sport to knock others down with his energetic force field.

And I can't get past the red.


Bright red is the color of competitive spirit, of vitality, physical strength, passion, energy, determination, and desire. Cloudy or murky red indicates anger, anxiety, and negativity.

Leo Taura | J.JK ✓Where stories live. Discover now