2012 London Olympics

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No Man's Land~

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No Man's Land~

Black eats away at the soul.

Black eats away at the soul

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Screaming fans within the Olympic Arena are loud enough to drown out any man's thoughts.

Their raised voices reach decibels unheard of,  matching the insanity of a rock concert crowd when the lead singer stage dives. All of them tote excited, emotional faces, and some hold flags representing their home countries.

So many nationalities are present within the stadium, an inclusive rainbow of the Earth's citizens. Various makes and models of human beings smile and chant along to the energetic music spilling over the apparatuses below.

The days have come for the gymnasts to show off their perfected routines, mixing grace, stamina, and strength...

And those days have passed, gone by in a flash. Every athlete did his best, and now the award ceremony will be held to honor the best.

The crowds here are ready to crown the winners, the champions of the last few days of intense competition. Hundreds of flags shake and jitter with various countries, including South Korea. 

The section cheering for Jeon Jungkook is loud in the arena, but nothing compares to the volume of the section cheering for Leonardo Costa. The green and yellow colors of Brazilian flags are widespread and vibrant, encompassing all sections of seats. Almost every single round of competition has started with a moment of silence for the Brazilian gymnast, meant to honor his role in men's gymnastics over the last few years. 

Every time Leonardo's name and smiling image was shown in remembrance on the large screen, Jungkook had to look down. He couldn't bear to stare at the truth in the eyes, right before he had to perform. Not only was it painful, but it was agonizing to think about never seeing Leonardo Costa ever again. It was so heart-wrenching that he vowed not to dwell on it until after the London Games. 

Leo Taura | J.JK ✓Where stories live. Discover now