Chapter 47:Nothing's making sense

Start from the beginning

Gia's POV

"Wow Zayn is so great G, I can't believe you broke up with him" Laura murmured throwing herself down on her bed. We'd just come back from a terribleh boring double lecture and now she was randomly talking about Zayn.
"Yeah, me too to be honest. It wasn't exactly my finest hour; I should've thought it through a biht more. It just seemed like the only option at the time" I admitted as I rummaged around in my bag for the notes from the lecture.
"It's not too late you know" she propped herself up on one elbow.
"He has a girlfriend Laura"
"Yeah, so?"
"Soh he has a girlfriend" I tossed my notes inside my desk drawer and then plopped my bottom down on the bed.
"Oh c'mon I'm sure he'd leave her in a heartbeat"
"How do you know thah?"
I was actually just fishing to see if he'd told her anything in thah interview buh apparently he didn't know she was my best friend.
"Cause I can tell he misses you as much as you miss him" she shrugged as if it were obvious.
"It doesn't matter; I would never make him do thah" I sighed running my fingers through my hair.
"Whyyy?" she gawked at meh.
"It's the principle of the matter, plus Perrie's a nice gal; I couldn't do thah to her or anyone"
"So if he was dating a complete *****, you still wouldn't want him to break up with her?"
"I'd want him to break up with her, buh just noht for meh"
"You have too many rules Gia" she chuckled shaking her head at mah reasoning.
"I know"

Louis' POV

"So what do you think babe?" I whispered once the estate agent had turned her back.
"It's cosy, a nice bachelor pad I guess" she shrugged.
"Priya, I need to know"
"It's really nice Louis, but I don't really know what you're looking for" she shrugged.
"A flat"
"I know that" she rolled her eyes.
"You know me better than anyone, I just wanna know what you think"
"I think's alright, but it isn't exactly the perfect place for you" she bit her bottom lip as if she was scared to say it in case I disagreed.
"You're right, let's go see another place yeah?"
"Let's" she intertwined her fingers with mine and we walked into the tiny kitchen where the estate agent was just getting off the phone.
"Mr Tomlinson, have you made a decision?" she asked smiling a bit too much.
"Uhm we wanna look at another place if that's alright?"
"Sure" her smile wasn't so big anymore; I guess she just really wanted me to rent this flat. It wasn't that bad all together, but it wasn't good enough for what I had planned.

Zayn's POV

"Last week before the holidayy!" Perrie yelled jumping on mah bed.
"god Pez, whah the hell" I tried to pull the covers over my eyes, buh had no success since she was jumpin on it.
"It's time to get up"
"Ah yeah ah figured" I rubbed my eyes.
"No really, its 1pm"
"Yeah, we have a lecture!"
"Get op!!" she started jumping again.
"Perrie please" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto the bed soh she could stop torturing meh.
"Don't you mehk me throw water on you" she threatened.
"You wouldn't"
"Watch me" she got off the bed and went to the bathroom. I used the opportunity to geht up and put on some trousers since I was sleepin in just mah pants. She goht back a few seconds lehter with a cup of water in her hands and a disappointed look on her fehs.
"Ahh you're up"
"Yes I am. How did you geht in anyweh?"
"I used a hair pin to unlock the door" she shrugged as if somethin like this was normal.
"You're weird" I messed up mah bed hair.
"You're late" she reminded.
"Okeh okeh two minutes"
"Fine but I'm not-" she was cut off by my buzzin phone on my desk. She picked it up and then handed it to meh.
"Tommo" she said and then proceeded to mehk mah bed.
"Thanks" I took the phone from her and answered.
"Heyyy Zayn!"
"Hi Loueh"
"You alright mate?"
Wow he seemed in a good mood.
"Yeah uh...and you?"
"Great, I've just been flat shopping with Priya"
"And I assume it went well?"
"Very. Listen Zayn, I'm gonna need your help, you are coming home next week right?"
"Yeah I'll uh be on the bus on Saturday morning" I assured him.
"Oh good, then we'll have enough time. Gia only gets back two weeks after you do"
"Okeh buh why bring up Gia?"
"Just thought I'll let you know" he giggled.
"Does she know?"
"That you're gonna be in town?"
"Noh, about everythin?" I was talkin in code cause ah didn't want Perrie to hear, this was all very top secret.
"Of course she knows, do you really think I'd take advice just from you Mr I'm-still-in-love-with-her-after-four-months-of-nothing?"
"Shuh op!" I eyed the girl straightening out mah room makin sure she hadn't heard anything; I still hadn't asked her whah she and Gia had spoken about.

Buh we did have a boring lecture coming up, in which I could use the time profitableh.

Priya's POV

"Remember that time you had a flat?" Louis whispered in my ear.
"The day you asked meh out?" I whispered back.
"Same day" he grinned.
"Yeah I remember you thought I meant apartment instead of a punctured tire" I teased and he just shook his head.
We were whispering since the estate agent was going on and on about this place. It was the fourth flat we'd looked at and I think both parties were beginning to lose their patience. She was pushing to make a sale or whatever and Louis and I were just plain bored.
"Did you really think I was sleeping with Butch?" I had always wondered that.
"No, but I just couldn't understand how you had so much power over him when no one else did. And I really liked you so I couldn't help but assume the worst"
"Aww you really liked me?" I cooed a little too loudly resulting in the estate agent stopping in her tracks and snapping her head backwards.
"If you kids could pay a little attention, this could go a lot faster and we will all be able to go home" she huffed.
"Sorry" I apologized and then Louis and I went right back to whispering.
"So why did you accept my offer to coffee?" I got the feeling he'd always wondered this.
"I thought you were cute" I admitted.
"Really?" he raised his eyebrows.
"And now?"
"A little less cute..."
"I see"
"And a little more on the fit side"
Oh he was blushing now.
"Mr Tomlinson I need to know your views on this place!" the lady demanded.
"Alright, but I'd like to look at it again if that's okay?" he knew he was pushing his luck but her job required that she oblige.
"I will gladly do so but I would like to inform you that I do not have all day. In fact I have to go to my six year old daughter's poetry recital so please forgive me if I am a little impatient"
Oh I felt bad for messing around now and by the look on Louis' face ah could tell he felt the same.
"Tell you what, why don't my girlfriend and I have a look around and we'll let you know within ten minutes yeah?" he offered and the lady sighed and nodded.


"So, what do you think?" Louis asked once we'd been through the place again.
"I dunno do you like it?"
"You're gonna live here, it doesn't matter what I think" I shrugged.
"Babe!" he squeezed my hand and forced me to look into his soft blue eyes.
"Well, it is my favourite from all we've seen today-" I started.
"Would you live here?" he asked cutting me off.
Wait, what was he asking?
"What?" I looked at him confused. He cleared his throat and then explained.
"If you were looking for a flat, is this the kind of place you could see yourself living in?"
"Oh yeah, it's lovely" I smiled at him and he sighed.
"Alright then I'll take it" he kissed me on the cheek and then we made our way to go give the estate agent the good news. At least now she could enjoy her daughter's poetry recital.

How cute are Liya!!! Anyway what do you guys think is going on let me know. And there'll be more of #Zia in the next chapter don't worry xx

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