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  "I'm sorry I took so long.Lime was outside the door wanting to come in for tonight."
"Why didn't you let him?"
Blue spoke out against Orange.
Questioning his actions.
Then Orange walked over to Blue,"I have something very important to ask you and I can't have him know.Is that clear?"
Orange growled as he spoke to Blue who sat on his bed.
Blue turned his face away from him and answered,"Yes sir."

"Oh,hey,Lime.You need something?" Black casually asked Lime as he turned to face him.Lime had made himself normal but he didn't speak up.This made Black a little worried so he asked,"Lime? Is there something the matter?"
Lime was feeling frustrated by the situation but he spoke out the first thing that came into his head,"You and Red are a couple."
Confused,Black stood up straight and crossed his arms replying,"Yes,why?"
Lime hesitated to answer.He was unsure himself why he said that in the first place but now that had said it,he couldn't just forget this conversation didn't happen and leave.Black would be suspicious of him.
Lime looked at Black and out of genuine curiosity he asked,"How do you know? That you like him I mean? You love him right? How do you know that?"
Black let his hands fall to his sides and tilted his head asking,"What do you mean? Are you asking how do I know I love him?"
Lime knodded and hung his head down as Black began to speak again,"Why do you ask?"
Lime glanced at Black and replied with a quiet voice,"Blue.He makes me feel...strange."
Black understood the problem and he let out a gentle chuckle."Lime," he said while he placed a hand on his shoulder,"You love Blue? That's perfectly fine.I see you two together alot.It's not strange you've fallen for him."
Lime was confused by his choice of words but he let Black comfort him,then Red walked in.
  Red saw Black and Lime standing close and he felt the beginnings of anger and fear begin to swell within him.
Black moved his hand from Limes shoulder and asked Red,"You ready to turn in?"
Red replied with a sturn voice,"Yeah."
  As Black left the Security room he looked back and waved to Lime saying,"Good luck,Lime."
Red followed after Black and Lime stayed in the security room.
He wasn't thinking about his dad anymore or that he needed to find a room to sleep in.All he could think about was Blue.

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