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  I fell against him.Oh my goodness! Damn his body is so hard.He tensed up.I didn't mean to do that,it was just my legs were still shaking.I stood up straight and faced Blue.
I was so scared.He knew who I was,he knew what I was?! How!
"How did you know I was...."
I stopped talking..Dad said never to say it out loud.
The Blue Crewmate laughed aloud,his voice was so deep.My chest felt a little tingly from the sound.It was like it vibrated through my entire body.I held my chest and he looked puzzled but answered me,"I know because I'm one too."

  Wow! Really! He's one too!?
Why is here! How is he here?! Has he been Blue this whole time?
I asked him,"You were here this whole time?"
He chuckled again and rubbed the back of his neck,"No I just came aboard yesterday."
I was confused again.
"Wait so..Blue is...Blue is.."
He finished my sentence,"Dead? Yes.He's being digested as we speak."
  I couldn't find the words to speak.My heart raced,he's really dead..Wow he's really dead.
I was so fasinated,"So can I feel him in your belly? Is he whole or in half?"
I didn't notice the look on Blues face as I asked that.

  What the hell is this kid? What stupid questions!
Why would he even ask such a thing! Well I guess if he hasn't seen another Impostor before that could be why he's acting like an idiot.
I told him no and he got sad.
Seriously.That big glossy eyed look on those beautiful emerald eyes.I couldn't stand it! I groaned in defeat and asked,"Have you killed anyone yet?!"
The wide eyed expression vanished.He slumped his shoulders and turned his back to me.Idiot.That leaves him vulnerable to attack.
Doesn't he know the lower back is our weakest point?!
This idot doesn't know a thing about own kind.How did he even get here?!
Just as I was about to ask another question he replied to my first one,"No,no I haven't.Iv'e been waiting for the right opportunity to do it."
  This kids depression act is gonna drive me up the wall.I finally gave in,"Alright! Let's go find someone."
He looked right at me.Jeez this kid is so weird.Why is he making such a big deal about his first kill anyway!
The smile returned to his face and he nearly started jumping up and down if I didn't place my hand on his head,"Let's go get brown.He was up too."
Wait,did I miss Brown?
Did I pass right by him and not even notice him.
Both Blue and I walked through Storage and to the Electrical room.He peeked in first and he tapped my back,"Look there he is..Go eat him."
Seriously,if it was that easy I'd have done it a long time ago.
He looked at me with confusion,"Go,what are you waiting for?"
I couldn't move my body was stiff."I...I'm scared.."
He looked right at me and grabbed both my shoulders.Nearly lifting me off the ground,"Listen kid.You're an Impostor.We eat Humans.That's Crewmates.Now go in there and eat  like a good little boy!"
I felt a sudden confidence overwhelm me.I took a big gulp and slowly entered the Electrical room.

  This kid,I swear it! He acts like a human.Second guessing himself all the time.
I watched him slowly come up behind Brown.He just stood there and Brown didn't care if he was there or not.I did hear him say to Lime,"Go away.I'm busy."
Lime began to growl loudly.For his voice being so pitchy,his growl was a satisfing normal tone.Thank goodness for that.
I saw him hesitate but he opened his stomach mouth.His tongue swung out and decapitated Brown in an instant.His head rolled to the floor.The job is done.Wait what is he doing?
His tongue was still out.It stabbed itself into the neck of Brown.Moving along the spine.The hell?
Browns body was lifted up into Limes Stomach mouth.He chomped down.Sicing the body in half.Browns lower half fell to the floor and I stepped in now.That was pretty brutal for a first kill.Has he thought about this? Damn!
I gently placed my hand on his shoulder,"Hey,kid.You alright?"
He turned to me with a serious face,"Stop calling me a kid.."
I removed my hand from him.
"Fine,how did he taste?"
Lime looked to the lower body and then to me,he jestered it to me.Is he offering it to me?
What the hell!
Why is he willing to share his food so quickly?
What IS this kid?!
Does he expect me to share too?
I won't..I'll kill every Crewmate on this ship.Him too if he keeps this shit up.

  I wanted the Blue Impostor to try Brown.He did just ask how he tasted.Why not try for himself? He kept stareing at me with weird angry look.
Great! Am I not supposed to offer food?
Ah shit! I guess it is pretty rude to just toss someone your leftovers.I guess I should apologize? I don't know..
Just then he spoke in a harsher tone,"Hey,I don't know how you got here or even what you are but.Don't expect me to go sharing my food with you just because your offering this to me.This means nothing."
I was still confused,if he didn't want it he could say so.He didn't have to give me a speech.Jeez!
I looked at the body on the floor and I realized my stomach mouth was open.
I tried to shut it but it wouldn't shut.
Shit! I can't go back to Dad's room like this!
Then Blue put his hand on my shoulder asking,"Have you ever tried to feel the muscles in your stomach?"
What? What does that mean? It's like he was speaking in riddles.Just tell me what you want to say.I asked him,"What?"
I could feel him smiling.Why?
Why was he smiling like that.He's looking at me weird.I'm starting to feel weird now.Like I really shouldn't be here.I should go back to the room.I can sneak through the vents and get there quicker.No one will see me.He's still stareing at me.
"Uhm? I should probably go now.."
I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm tightly.
"Ow! Hey let go!"
That smirk was still on his face.
"If you want to learn how to control that mouth of yours I know a fast way to learn."
Is he serious?
"Meet with me tomorrow to do tasks.Maybe, I'll show you."
Everything about this feels wrong.I need to talk to my Dad.He'll know what to do.Shit! My Dad! He's a Crewmate.A normal man.I can't let Blue know what he is to me.I have to keep him away from my Dad.I'll go along with this for now.For my Dad's sake.

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