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  My tummy has been growling for a few days now.I grow hungrier and hungrier each minute that passes.
My Dad is getting worried now.He tries to hide it the best he can but I know I do scare him sometimes.I think it's mostly because I don't have FULL control over my stomach mouth.
I met up with Dad in the storage room.I was waiting for Blue to arrive but he never came.I wonder what's up.Dad called me to come check out the Security cameras.He said Red and Black had wandered off 'somewhere.' He didn't tell me where though.I guess it's not important.We walked passed electrical and I happen to spot Brown with the electrical panel open.It was always fun to watch Dad fix the panel when I was younger.Still I followed Dad.Passed the bottom engine room I saw White talking with Cyan about something.Now coming up to the Security hall I spotted Blue.He looked weird.He was walking a little funny.Wait did he get a little bigger? His shoulders wern't that wide before? Were they? I started to feel nervous walking towards him.He was coming towards us to.Passing each other my Dad glanced back at him but I stopped in my tracks."Blue?"
The Blue Crewmate stopped too and slowly turned to look at me.He didn't say a word.Something was off.Dad tapped my shoulder,urging me to come with him but I couldn't move.Something was really off about Blue.
Eventually Blue kept on walking when I didn't say anything besides his name and Dad pulled me into Security.

  Blue was all I could think about.I couldn't sleep.Not that I needed to but I was used to it.
I heard my Dad softly breathing,he was fast asleep.I had to go see what was up with Blue.I can sniff him out right?
Slowly I opened the door to our quarters,no one was supposed to be up at night.Slowly I went into the main part of the ship and down the Security hall where I had seen Blue last.I slowly walked passed the engine room and through storage.His scent is super strong.How come I didn't notice it before?! I followed it to the Navigation room and that's when I saw Blue.Why is he here? Why is he even up right now?
What's going on.Since no one suspects me,I thought act casual.
I spoke up,"Blue? What are you doing up so late?"
The Blue Crewmate slowly turned to look at me and with a deep grumbly voice replied,"I could ask you the same thing."
Shit! I didn't think that far ahead.but wait a minute.Blue spoke to me before.He didn't have a such a deep voice.Is he tired? To much coffee?
I felt my hands began to shake.Why?!
"Uhm,yeah I guess you could.Well,I couldn't sleep thought I'd make sure the ship was alright before I went back to bed."
Blue chuckled and face towards the Navigation screen."Hey Uhm,you seem weird today..A little off..is something the matter?"
Blue tilted his head and asked,"Are you my friend?"
I felt my hands tremble"Uhm,I guess you could call me that."
Blue turned towards me.It was only now I realized how much bigger he was then me.A little taller then Dad I presume.How in the hell am I supposed to take down this guy?! He's to big.Then he spoke again,"Your pretty small.For an Impostor."
I just lost my shit.

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