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  My dad seemed awfully calm.
I wonder how many times he's done this same thing?
I need to ask him whenever we have time alone again.
We were standing next to each other as Orange and Lime.
Dad told me he was gonna stop using my real name and that I should call him by his colour.
He was going to do the same.
He said it was better that way.So I don't feel bad about killing my prey.I'm so excited.I can hardly wait!
There comes my prey now.Our fellow Crewmates.The people that will be going with us on this ship.
The room was quite large and at the top of the room was a glass room.
Or a room with a window in it I guess.
A single man spoke up from inside the room.He looked down at all of us.His voice echoed through the room.
"Okay,you all are experienced Crewmates.How you got here is no one's business.From here on out you will address each other as the colour of their suit.No one is allowed to take off their helmets in the presence of another Crewmate.
It is for your safety and their safety that you keep it on.The suit itself regulates your body's temperature and oxygen.
It ventilates the outside air into good normal oxygen.
Time spent without your helmet on must be limited.
As the air inside the Ship is colder then the air inside your suit and will cause health problems if exposed for a long period of time. That is all.Enjoy your trip."
  Health problems?
Dad never told me about that? I'm an Impostor.That's what dad said and he said I didn't have to worry about the air.Inside or outside.But what about him?
I look to my Dad.Forgeting that I had to stay still.
He glanced at me and said quietly,"I'm fine.Don't worry about it."
I stood straight.Trying to be as tall as my dad.I wonder if I'll grow anymore? Just then I heard a loud door behind us start to open.Everyone turned around to face it so so did I.
As it opened I saw the ship we would be traveling on.It looked just like the one we were already on.I wonder if Dad and I can have the same room?
Will I have to bunk with someone else? No! Dad said to stay close.That he'd teach me how to hunt.I better start paying attention from here on out.

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