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"So,what did Orange say?"
Lime asked Blue curiously.
Is he serious? Blue thought to himself.Blue growled in a low tone.
Lime glanced at him and asked,"What?" The door to MedBay shut with a hiss.
And Lime turned to look at Blue.The Blue Impostor walked quicky over to Lime and Lime couldn't help but lean back against the Specimen scanner.
Propped up on his elbows Lime stared into the helmet of the Blue Impostor towering and leaning over him.Blue growled louder saying,"Okay listen kid.You need to learn to hunt properly and I'll help with your stomach mouth.You need to stop thinking so much and go with your instincts.I don't want to have to give you some kind of pep talk everytime you need to kill someone."
Lime shook and stared at Blue.
His back against the scanner,he lifted his hands slowly up to his helmet.Blue stared at him curiously.
Lime did it.Lime took off his own helmet.Showing off his beautiful emerald green eyes with dark,hunter green hair.The hair on the back of his head and lower neck was bright and blended into a neon colour of orange. Lime frowned and placed his helmet down next to them.Blue didn't flinch at the sight however inside he was so fasinated by him.
Lime spoke up,"Blue,I'm not just an Impostor.I'm a Crewmate too.I'm half human."
Blue stayed put.Staring into his emerald green eyes,"So your a half breed.That explains your ignorance.You know half breeds are said to taste delicious and are killed the second we find them."
Blue stood up straight and slowly took his helmet off.Revealing his solid black,wavy hair with deep blue eyes.Stuble grew along his jaw and nowhere else.He spoke with a clear deepened voice,"and you do smell incredibly delicious."
Lime's body began to tremble as Blue leaned over him again.He felt his cheeks begin to heat up and Blue witnessed a light blush flush across Limes face.Blue opened his mouth and his cheeks split open.A thick tongue slipped out and landed itself onto Limes face.Blue guided his tongue across Limes mouth and face.
Lime shut his eyes tightly.His face became more and more heated.His body still trembling.
Why am I letting him do this? Do I taste that good? Is he going to eat me?
Blue pulled his tongue back into his mouth.Examining how wet with drool he made Limes face.Lime opened his eyes and looked up to Blue asking,"Are you going to eat me?"
Blue felt an aching in his chest,What the hell is this! he thought.
Blue backed away and grabbed his helmet.Putting it back on he said,"You should probably put your helmet back on,Lime."
Lime's hands still shook a little and he nearly dropped his helmet.He put it back on just as the MedBay doors opened back up.

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