Where were you!?

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As you were running, you heard lots of yelling from behind you. You kept on running until you couldn't hear their feet pound on the ground, and their angry screams.

You started to jog until you found a familiar tree.

You then knew where you were, and you then saw the mansion. You ran up to the front door, and then quickly looked at your clothes to make sure they weren't ripped. When you were sure, you turned the door knob and walked in shutting the door behind you.

You turned your back towards the door, then you walked into the hallway near the living room.

You stopped walking when you heard a couple of people comforting someone, you don't know who, but you know it was a girl.

You then started to eavesdrop, you heard the female say, "What if she doesn't come back!? Or what if she dies!?" The girl then sounded as if she was crying.

The people surrounding the girl then started to say, "No she didn't leave you, she probably went out!" They said in a concerned tone of voice.

You then walked into the living room while wearing your bloody clothes.

You looked towards the female and realized that it was Lazari.

She looked at you with wide red puffy eyes, she then ran towards you and kissed you like she hasn't seen you in forever.

"Babe, where were you!?" She said in a concerned voice.

Lazari then turned you around to see your wounds, and she then started bawling her eyes out.

"I'm sorry I was gone for a while, I didn't know where I was." You said in a worried tone.

She the sat down on the couch and put you on her lap.

She then started to play with your hair.

You then started to drift off to sleep without noticing.

Playmate (Lazari x Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن