Is he that important!

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You had your eyes shut, and you refused to open them until the demon looking man said you could open them.

You obviously didn't completely trust him because Lazari's chose to live at the slender man mansion, and didn't choose to live with her father.

"Can I open my eyes?"

"You can open your eyes anytime you want."

You took that as a yes, so you opened your eyes, and you saw a tree, it looked like it was made of fire.

But there wasn't anything else there besides long red grass, and the crimson colored tree.

You and the guy introduced each other, and he said his name was, Zalgo. 

The both of you talked for at least an hour, then you told him that you had to get back to Lazari.

He then reached his hand out for you to grab it, He then brought you back to the very dark room that you fell asleep in with Lazari by your side. 

You decided to get out of bed, you walked over to the door and opened it in the most quiet way you could, then you shut the door.

You started walking down the hallways, because you needed to see the operator, you needed to tell him about Zalgo.

*Time skip*

When your reached the operator's office door, you knocked then waited for him to answer. 

When he answered he looked up at you as you walked in to his office, you then said, "Sir, I was wondering, if it was a bad thing that I met someone named, Zalgo, in my dream.

The operator didn't say anything for a little bit, then he said, "Well... this is bad, and
(Y/N), please refrain from telling Lazari about what you saw, and if it ever happens again, tell me."

You bowed at the waist, then left the operator's office.

Playmate (Lazari x Female Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora