The note

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You slowly open your eyes to see that you were in your room, and there was a note on your dresser, so you got up and picked the note up, and the note said,

  Hey (Y/N), I just wanted you to know that me and Sally brought you back to your house because we thought you might need rest after a fall like that, and Charlie suggested that we should have brought you to EJ, but he wasn't around at the time, and I hope your feeling better, and I hope nothings broken. And you looked very prettyful earlier. 
                                         From Lazari

You stared at the note then you sighed in relief, then you noticed how good her grammar was in the letter, you went total screech mode. But when you calmed down you looked at the clock on your wall you decided to lay down to go to bed.

(Sorry it's really short, I'll try to make the next one longer, have a great day, bye!)

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