The park

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You walk over to your mom and tug at her shirt, she looks down at you and smiles, you grab her hand as the both of you walk into the town park, she looks for a place to sit down while you walked over to a clear green patch of grass to sit and play with your toy. You looked over at your mom who had found a place to sit, and she sighed then looked over at you to make sure you were okay, you went back to playing, but after 5 minutes you got bored and started to draw in the dirt with a stick you saw laying around.

You looked up to see a girl about your age standing in a clearing around the woods, she had beautiful red hair, and a pretty pink dress, and you noticed the frilly edges on the edge of her dress, and you noticed her beautiful sparkling red eyes, you were mesmerized by her that you hadn't noticed you were walking towards her, you heard your mom calling you in the distance, you stopped walking, then your mom saw you and came up to you and grabbed your hand and the both of you started to walk towards the car, you looked over your shoulder to see a tall man standing right beside the red headed girl, the girl grabbed the tall man's hand, then you watched as the both of them walked into the distance, then they disappeared into the dark forest.

your mom opened the car door, then you got in, she shut the door, then she walked over to the other side of the car and got into the drivers seat, she started the car, then the both of you were set off to go home.

When you arrived home your mom parked the car then opened the door so you could get out, you grabbed your toy then you stepped out of the car, then your mom shut the door then she walked up to the house and she opened the front door, you walked inside then you walked over to the stairs, you held onto the railing while you slowly made your way up to your room. You opened your bedroom door then you walked over to your bed side table, then you sat the side of your bed, then you placed your toy right next to the picture of your parents, you stared at the picture, then went to your dresser, you grabbed a cute baby blue night gown, then you changed into the night gown and put the clothes you were just wearing into the clothes hamper.

You walked down the hall and into the bathroom, you grabbed your tooth brush and brushed your teeth. When you were done, you walked back to your bedroom and brushed your hair, then you heard you mom yell, "(Y/N) come downstairs and give me a hug before you go to bed!"

You quickly walked down stairs to give your mom a hug before you went to bed, you walked into the kitchen to see your mom at the table doing her taxes. You walked up to her and gave her a hug, she pecked you on the head and said, "Goodnight sweetheart, have sweet dreams."

"Goodnight mommy." you said to her with a smile on your face as you walked out of the kitchen.

you walked upstairs and went to open your bedroom door, as you opened your door, you heard a small giggle come within your room, you quickly turned on the light, then you took a quick look around the room, you didn't see anyone so you thought it was your imagination. You turned your light off then you walked over to your bed and turned the lamp on, you shut your bedroom door then you quickly got into bed and laid there sleep, you felt your eyes slowly closing, and before you fell sleep you looked out the window and gazed at the moon and stars before you fell sleep.

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