The meeting

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you slowly open your eyes, you look out the window, you gaze at the trees still thinking about that girl you saw, you still had your mind on her, you couldn't get the image of her beautiful red hair and her pretty sparkling red eyes. You got up and walked over to your dresser, you picked out a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. You walked down stairs to see your mother cooking break fast, she stood there humming a song she always sang to you when you were scared, so the song put you to ease. You walked into the kitchen, then your mom looked at you with a smile on her face, you giggled a little bit, your mom put some pancakes on your plate, you sat down as she placed the plate in front of you. Your mom looked at the empty plate in front of you and looked a little bit shocked because she put at least 6 pancakes on your plate, you smiled at her and got out of your chair, then your mom started to do the dishes, you quietly left the kitchen and went to your room to play with your toys.

You were playing in your room for at least 3 hours, then you heard a voice come from the kitchen, you walked down stairs to see who it was, then you saw your mother standing in front of the sink talking to someone on the phone, she heard the sound of your feet clacking on the wood floor then she turned around and saw you standing in the kitchen door way with a confused look on your face.

You walked over to your mom and said, "mommy, who are you talking to?"

Your mother looked at you with a worried look on her face, you didn't know why she looked at you the way she did, but you decided to go back to your room when your mom quietly told you to go and play. You walked up the stairs and into your room, you turned on your light switch, then you jumped when you heard the sound of a girl giggling, you heard the same sound yesterday. You were a tiny bit confused, but you brought up the courage to say something, you said, "W-Who is this?"

There was nothing but silence, then you heard the girl talk again.

"My name, is Lazari."

Playmate (Lazari x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now