Fake Smiles, Real Insults

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“What is she doing here?” Patrick asks again.

“Why don’t you ask her?” I shoot Kailey a ‘not helping’ look. She shrugs but refrains from commenting further.

“Patrick!” Her voice is shrill and annoying. I have a feeling she’s forcing the smile and cheer. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Amanda,” I don’t need to look behind me to know that he’s forcing a smile of his own. At least, I’m hoping—selfishly yes but still—that it’s forced. “How are you?”

I can’t help but note that he doesn’t tell her it’s nice to see her too. I feel a smug grin pulling at my lips.

“I’m alright, you know. I’ve been better but,” a dramatic sigh. I barely keep from rolling my eyes. We get it, you want him to feel bad for you. “I guess things worked out for the best.”

“That’s good that you’re doing well,” I can hear the strain in his voice. This entire situation is stressing him out. “Amanda, this is Jen, my girlfriend. Jen, this is Amanda.”

She waits for a moment before saying anything, like she’s waiting for him to elaborate on that. “I’m the ex,” she says when it becomes obvious that Patrick isn’t about to say it for her. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

And I thought Kailey was a bad liar. “Nice to meet you too,” I lie right back.

“So Jonathan,” she turns her attention away from me. Literally. She completely turns her back to me and faces the couple on the other side of the table. I grit my teeth at the blatant dismissal. “How’s Lindsey? I haven’t seen her in a while but I’ve been meaning to get together with her and talk. Oh,” she looks at Kailey for the first time. Her fake surprise act is worse than her fake happy one. “I didn’t realize you’d brought someone with you. Are you a relative of Jonathan’s?”

Insulting bitch. Unlike me Kailey does not grin and bear it. “Since Lindsey was out the door before you, you already know how she is. And I know you know I’m not a relative, since you’re one of the people who walked in on me and Jonathan that first day,” she does not fake a smile. She’s all but growling at her, and I’m finding it very hard to contain my laughter. “We did not appreciate the interruption by the way, and thank you for the apology you never sent. It was very heartwarming.”

Patrick it seems is not winning the battle to contain his own laughter. He disguises it as a cough when Amanda turns her glare on him but no one is fooled.

“Well it’s not like I meant to walk in on that,” she tells them. “Besides, how was I supposed to know you’d be sticking around? None of the other girls did. And Lindsey was always right there as soon as they were gone. I guess I didn’t think you’d be around long enough for an apology to matter.” She pauses long enough for those words to really sink in. “I am truly, deeply sorry though. Please accept my sincerest apologies.”

“No,” Kailey says without hesitation. “You see, I don’t like you, I never liked you, and I very much doubt that I ever will like you. So no I don’t think I’ll be accepting your apology because I know you don’t mean it.”

Off The Ice // A Patrick Kane FanficWhere stories live. Discover now