Testing Their Patience

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This is quite probably the most uncomfortable meal I’ve ever experienced. And I was with Kailey when she told her family she was dating Jonathan.

It probably wasn’t her smartest idea ever to admit it when everyone—literally everyone in her family—was over at her house. Her logic was this way she only has to deal with the complaints and screaming one time. She didn’t figure on the complaints and screaming coming at her from all directions all at once. They were not a happy family. I think she had to tell her uncles and cousins five times that no they couldn’t kill him. I had to physically hold her cousin back at one point when Jonny actually showed up at her house. She’ll say that’s a lie I didn’t help at all, that all I did was sit there and watch as the chaos unfolded. For the most part she’s not wrong, I was not getting involved in that.

When they’d finally all calmed down they all sat down and were eating dinner. The only thing you could hear was the sound of seven men chewing angrily while they glared silently at a flustered Golden Couple. Then they asked questions. Lots of questions.

I felt so bad for my best friend, she was really put through hell that day. And that went down in my book as hands down the most awkward meal in the history of the world.

Until now.

I watch as the three hockey players stare each other down while waiting for their food. To be fair, Ty deserves it right now. He hasn’t stopped with the flirting since he got off the plane, and he knows it’s putting the guys on edge. Especially Jonathan. Patrick clearly doesn’t like it, but he’s okay as long as I’m not the center of attention for it. But Jonathan . . .

“If he keeps this up I’m going to break that pretty face of his,” he mumbles to himself.

Nope, Captain Jealous is not a happy camper.

“So,” Tyler says smirking. He knows the trouble he’s causing the jerk. “How are my two favorite couples doing? What’s going on in the world of Jailey and Jentrick?”

I snort. “Jentrick?”

He shrugs at me, laughing. “Ok not Jentrick then. Patriffer?”

Kailey giggles next to him while I just say “Next.”

He throws out a couple more names that have me almost in tears from laughing so hard.

“Hey this is difficult!” he defends himself. “Your name is not meant to be meshed with his.”

I roll my eyes at his antics.

“Um,” the boys finally break their silence. “What is he talking about?”

Kailey drops her head on the table, laughing so hard she can’t breathe. I sgh dramatically and explain. “They’re ship names. I can only assume that Kailey told him what that was—“


“—and so now he’s trying to make a joke out of it. Basically,” I continue, seeing how confused they both are. “It’s like a couple name. You guys have a ship name for your bromance, Kazer. Kailey’s ship name with you Jonathan is Jailey.” I try not to sound too envious that their names roll together perfectly, while mine and Patrick’s don’t mix at all.

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