Party Time

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“Are you ready for this?” We are standing outside of the restaurant, about to head into the party. I glare at Patrick.

“Do you really think now is the best time to ask me that?”

He smiles apologetically. “No, but better late than never?”

I roll my eyes. “I disagree.”

He tugs on my hand trying to pull me into his arms, but I resist. I’m still feeling the nervousness from my mini-breakdown earlier and I need a little bit of distance.

He gives up and instead squeezes my hand as we walk towards the entrance. “What’s going on? You’ve been weird since shopping earlier. Are you really that nervous about the party? Because you shouldn’t be. The guys will—“

“If you tell me one more time how much the guys will love me I’m going to shove one of my high heels down your throat.” Okay, so I’m still really feeling the effects from earlier. That, and wearing high heels makes me bitchy.

He doesn’t even question my attitude, instead pulling me closer to him as we reach the doors. He opens one for me and motions me inside.

“You’re not the only one nervous about tonight you know,” he whispers as I pass him. As soon as he’s inside he takes my hand again and leads me into where the party is being held.

I stare at his profile. He won’t look at me as he leads me through his teammates towards our table. The smile he gives everyone is plastered on brightly, but so obviously fake it might as well be painted on.

As we reach our table he goes to pull my chair out for me, but I refuse to sit down. “What did you mean by that?”

He stares at a spot above my head. “I think it was pretty obvious what I meant. Now are you going to sit down or not?”

I’m not sitting until I know if he’s really saying this. “Are you actually saying you’re nervous about this party?”

The fake smile is back. “You’re not the only one scared. I’ve never been much good at the boyfriend thing, and my teammates will be the first ones to tell you that. I don’t want this night to end with me going home alone because my girlfriend decided I wasn’t worth the risk,” he looks into my eyes for a second and I glimpse the pain there. Then he’s back to staring above my head. “Now, please sit down.”

It’s phrased like a request, but it’s really an order. I’ve never been much good at following orders.

Instead of listening to him I reach up and yank his head down so he’s looking in my eyes. Then I kiss him.

I meant for it to be a calming, reassuring kiss. A kiss that proves that I’m not going anywhere.

It seems that Patrick didn’t get that memo.

Off The Ice // A Patrick Kane FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz