Emotional Rollercoaster

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“Will you please relax?” Patrick asks me. I glare at him for throwing my earlier words back in my face. Even though he doesn’t know I said that same sentence several times tonight. Whatever, I’m not in the mood to be forgiving.

“No I will not relax,” I practically growl at him.

“Come on babe, what could possibly have you so pissed? We just kicked ass! And it’s not like Jonny’s fucked up or anything. I mean look at the man,” he gestures towards where Toews is sitting with Kailey on his lap, laughing at something she said. “He’s happier than I’ve seen him all season.”

“I’m not mad about Jonny,” I bite out. “And do not call me babe.”

“If you’re not mad about Jonny then why are you mad?” he doesn’t even address the babe comment. My guess is that just went in one ear and out the other.

“What the hell made you think you had the right to tell people they couldn’t even look at me?” My temper finally gets the better of me, and I just spit it out. The four drinks I’ve had probably aren’t helping much either. “Seriously who the fuck do you think you are?”

“Wait you’re mad because I told the guys not to hit on you?” He looks confused and kind of mad himself now. I bet alcohol is playing a part with him too. “I was just being a good friend! The single guys couldn’t stop talking about you after they met you! That would’ve gotten bad fast. I was just protecting you!”

“Protecting me from what?” I almost scream. Luckily it’s loud in here. “Protecting me from talking to nice guys who are interested in me? Protecting me from making friends with your friends? What are protecting me from, please I’m dying to hear it.”

“I told you I was just being a good friend! None of them would be good for you!”

“How could you know that?” We are both screaming now, getting in each other’s faces.

“Because I know them!” He pushes his hands through his hair in obvious frustration. “They’re good guys but it wouldn’t last between you and any of them! I just don’t want to watch my friends get hurt!”

“That’s bullshit!” I am so mad right now that I don’t care that I’m in public. I’ve forgotten all about that. All that I can see is the pissed off hockey player in front of me. “You don’t actually believe that because you can’t know that it wouldn’t work out! You can’t even know that anything would happen! You’re fabricating relationships that might not even happen!”

“I just don’t want you talking to them!” he reaches for me. “I don’t want you making friends with them!”

“Why?” I’m so stunned I forget my anger. “Why would you actively prevent me from making friends with your friends?” Does he think they won’t like me or something? The thought has crossed my mind a couple of times, but I’ve always dismissed it. Why would he have invited me to the team party if he doesn’t think the team will like me?

“Because,” he’s forgotten his anger too. Now he just looks defeated. “Because I don’t want you to decide that you like them better. I don’t want you to realize that any one of my teammates would be a great guy, or see that all of the single guys would jump through hoops for just a scrap of your attention. I want you all to myself and I know that’s irrational and I know that’s selfish but I don’t care because I have not been able to get you out of my head since I walked into that bar to meet with the happy couple over there.”

If anyone were to tell me that he was going to say that, drunk or sober, I would have laughed in their face and told them to stop taking whatever they were on. I have never been so stunned by one person in my entire life. I can’t even formulate a response. My mind is completely blank.

“Great,” he mutters. “Now I’ve freaked you. I planned to do this right, and wait until after the playoffs. I had a speech all prepared and I was going to ask you out like a normal person. Instead I’ve fucked this up because I’m too drunk and stupid to keep my mouth sh—“

I couldn’t stand the words anymore, so I shut him up. He’s a better kisser than I could’ve ever thought. And yeah, I’ve thought about it many times lately.

He kisses me back softly, like he’s waiting for me to pull away. When I kiss back harder, he takes control of the kiss, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer. I reach up on my toes and tangle my fingers in his hair. I feel more than hear the sound he makes in the back of his throat and smile into the kiss. I feel his answering smirk against my lips before he deepens the kiss. I open my mouth, ready to stand there and kiss him for hours.

“Well it’s about time!” I don’t know who shouts it but it makes us pull apart.

“I knew it,” Kailey screams and points, almost falling off of Jonathan’s lap in the process. He laughs, steadying her.

I blush as the entire bar goes back to celebrating. Most of the guys give us nods. I can’t take it anymore and look away from all of the smirks.

I stare up at the man standing in front of me, unable to think of anything to say.

“Hi,” I finally come up with. I cringe internally. Damn that’s lame.

He smiles and chuckles under his breath. “Hi.”

Then he kisses me again, and I don’t need words anymore.

A/N: so I dedicated this part to my best friend who I am writing this fanfic for. She loves hockey and the Blackhawks espeically and I'm glad that I finally got her to read something haha :) I hope you like the update Jen and I hope you all liked it too. Thanks for reading!

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