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If I thought this meal was awkward before, that doesn’t even compare to what it is now.

Being the nice guys that they are, as soon as Lindsey came over, Patrick and Jonathan asked her to join us for lunch. Being the most hated and socially shunned person in Chicago right now, Kailey had no choice but to smile and keep her mouth shut. Being the good best friend that I am I stayed with the group to endure this painful meal.

I have no idea why Tyler stayed. Probably purely for amusement.

We all sit quietly, waiting now that our food is gone for the waiter to come by with the check. I look frantically around the restaurant for him. It’s not that busy in here and yet he hasn’t been by since we finished our food ten minutes ago. If he doesn’t get over here someone at this table is going to do murder and I’m not sure if it’s going to Kailey, Jonathan, or me.

The lunch started out alright, once the initial awkward introductions were over. I felt especially weird since I’m now dating the guy her friend had for so long. But it seemed like she was fine with it, and we moved on.

Surprisingly she didn’t antagonize Kailey. Instead she chose to ignore her entirely, which is its own form of rude but still. It’s preferable to a full blown fight in the middle of a restaurant.

This all went okay and seemed to be preferred by both women actually. I was relaxing some when I noticed that for someone who had dated Jonathan, she spent an awful lot of time talking to my boyfriend. And that’s when I realized this lunch wasn’t about antagonizing Kailey when she couldn’t fight back. It was about helping her best friend who wanted to drive a wedge between me and Patrick. This wasn’t an attack, it was just a little recon.

Not to say that she didn’t antagonize the golden couple at all. She did, it was just a lot more subtle, and not as much as she irritated me.

Finally, the waiter comes and brings us our check.

“I’ve got this,” Ty says before either of the other guys can bring out their credit cards.

“That’s not necessary,” Patrick says, before addressing our waiter. “Put the whole thing on this please.” He hands him a card and the waiter hurries off to run it.

“I could’ve paid,” Tyler says now. “After all it’s the least I can do after irritating the hell out of you two for the past few hours.”

“It was my turn,” Patrick responds, not even acknowledging the other comment.

Lindsey however latches onto it. “What do you mean you irritated them?”

He smirks. “I was testing them. They both passed.”

I could kill him for saying that. He could’ve at least let me and Kailey in on this plan, since we were afraid for his life all day because of his behavior.

“Testing them how?” Why is she so interested in this?

Off The Ice // A Patrick Kane FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя