No I'm Not Drinking

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“Why aren’t you drinking? This is supposed to be a celebration.” It’s July, and Kailey just got back from Canada with Jonathan. They’re happier than ever, and I guess his family is being really accepting of her. His mom especially has been getting closer with her from what I understand. She should be happy right now. Instead she’s miserable for some reason.

“Screw why I’m not drinking,” she says. “Why aren’t you?”

Alarm bells go off in my head. She doesn’t do deflection unless she’s hiding something. “I asked you first?”

She snorts. “What are we, ten?”

“No we’re almost twenty sitting in your boyfriend’s house with alcohol he had to buy for us since we aren’t legal yet. And we aren’t drinking any of it. Why are we not drinking any of it?”

“You tell me your secret I’ll tell you mine.”

She knows she can’t out-stubborn me, but I’m in a good mood myself today, so I’ll tell her. “Patrick and I have a bet going. Whoever goes the longest without drunk texting the other gets to pick where we go for our end of summer dinner.”

Kailey stares at me. “It’s July. You know that that’s a long time to go without drinking.”

Actually, we established the bet on Patrick’s day with the Cup back in June. We were both insanely drunk at the time, and feeling it pretty bad. We also got into a huge fight about how we drank too much. I said there was no way he could go the entire off season without drinking. He said there was no way I could go that long without drunk texting him—which I seem to do every single time. So the bet was made. The next day we laughed off our fight, but the bet stayed. We’re both too competitive to let it go.

“I know it’s a long time,” but I’ve already gone a long time, so I think I’m ok. “But you know I’m way too stubborn to let it go.”

She nods, conceding this.

“Your turn,” I remind her. If she thinks I was just going to let this go she is so wrong. There’s only one reason I can think that she’s not drinking but there’s no way—

“I might be pregnant.”

–she’s pregnant. I blink at her stupidly.

“Don’t stare at me like that,” she mutters. “God breathe will you? I’m almost 99% sure I’m not, but I need to be totally positive. I don’t want to fuck anything up.”

“You’re pregnant?” I ask. “You’re seriously that stupid to get pregnant at nineteen?”

“Fuck you,” she throws back. “I’m almost positive I’m not. I’m just a little late, and I want to be sure.”

“How little is little?” For her sake I really hope it’s like a day or two.

“Nine days.” That makes today the twentieth. For some reason that nags at me, but it’s not important right now. My best friend is pregnant. That takes precedence.

“Look, you need to stop looking at me like that,” she bites out. “I’m probably not, so will you calm the fuck down?”

No way. This is way too huge for calm. “Does Jonathan know?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want to worry him if it’s nothing. Which it probably is.”

I’m about to open my mouth and tell her that nine days late should be sending up serious warning flags and probably have her shopping for baby clothes. Sadly I don’t get the chance, because her phone buzzes.

She lunges for it and reads whatever was just sent to her. The way she sags against the sofa has me slightly scared to ask her what it said. “Kailey?” I ask gently.

She looks up at me smiling. “I told you I wasn’t pregnant.”

I’m about to congratulate her when I’m interrupted yet again. “YOU’RE PREGNANT?”

We look over to see our boyfriends standing in the doorway. Jonny looks like he’s about to pass out. He’s holding onto the door frame for support and the white walls are tanner than him right now.

“I’m not pregnant,” Kailey corrects him. “Not. Negative. There is nothing growing inside of me.”

A little bit of color comes back to his face as she says that. “You’re sure?”

She nods emphatically and he leans against the wall in relief. “Not that that’s not a possibility one day,” he rushes to assure her. “But I am really glad we aren’t going to become parents right now.”

She laughs and we all join in. “I’m pretty sure you’re not the only one glad about that,” I tell him.

The guys laugh again and come join us on the ground. Tazer pours him and Kailey drinks, not pouring anything for me or Patrick. He must know about our bet.

He raises his glass. “To July twentieth, the day we did not become parents.”

“Thank god,” Kailey taps her glass against his, and they laugh again. She says something to Patrick, but I barely hear what. My vision starts to go black on the edges and I worry I’m about to pass out.

“You alright there babe?” Patrick whispers into my ear. I nod, yes I’m fine. But really I’m anything but.

July twentieth. I was supposed to be finishing my period today.

I watch my friends and boyfriend laugh and joke about how they dodged a bullet. Yeah, they did. Kailey isn’t pregnant, thank goodness.

I might be though.

A/N: cue the dramatic music! haha I hope you guys like this, and I have a few ideas of where this might go from here, but I think I'll be wrapping it up fairly shortly. Let me know what you think. Is she pregnant? Is she not? How will Patrick feel either way? Should Jailey have a baby? All questions I really want to hear what you have to say about. So please let me know in the comments, plus if you liked this part or not. Thanks for reading! :)

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