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Okay, so, I have a legitimate question here.

So, how often do people actually cry themselves to sleep? Like, you'd have to cry for a long enough time to exhausted yourself enough to just outright pass out. But like, how exhausted would you actually have to be? That'd probably be like hours upon hours of crying

I feel like that doesn't actually happen that often even though it's seen like everywhere in the media. I feel like its more of either two options.

Option 1; You cry for awhile until you eventually calm down, and maybe cry a few more times, and then you eventually fall asleep

Or, option 2; You cry for a while before eventually calming down and stay up for hours, either plagued by your thoughts, or empty headed and idly doing things like cleaning, cooking, or drawing

Ya know? And as well, I feel its less of cry until you feel better and more of cry until you're emotionally numb for a few hours

I feel like that's the natural way things go, but of course maybe that's just me

Anyway, I guess this is kinda more of an open ended question, but I figured I'd ask anyway just cause the thought popped up into my mind. And I'm more than likely going to use this in future stories

That's all for now my friends. Have a fantastic existence, and stay hydrated

Random Nonsense: Steve Saga EditionWhere stories live. Discover now