Galaxy and Void

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Yay! First post of 2021!!

So, we all know the famous Galaxy and his inability to take most things seriously, often distracted, and his weird obsession with puffer fish. In saying all that, I have the personal headcannon that Galaxy has adhd.

But, with that being said, it is know that Void and Galaxy are, indeed, the same person, two halves of a whole, eachother's counter part, and whatever other term you want to use.

So, that means, if Galaxy has adhd, then Void most likely has adhd as well. Which could explain his obsession with Sabre and watching his every move.

But also, I think it'd entertaining to see someone like Void trying to be all serious and monolog about his evil plan, only to be constantly distracted by the smallest of things

Which also means that there are probably times where both Void and Galaxy share one brain cell what with their forgetfulness and lack of object permanence.

Of course, with them both having adhd, that would bring on more, and different personal challenges, and even different perspectives on things, which also adds variety to storytelling

So, in conclusion, I headcannon that both Void and Galaxy have adhd and you're probably not going to change my mind.

That's all for now, and until next time...

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