Brother, not Other

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That one thing I lost motivation for, but it's actually finished because I lied. If y'all really like it, I might consider making a pt 2


Galaxy pushed the front door shut, turning both locks and checking to make sure it was shut tight. No one was getting in anytime soon. Releasing an anxious breath, Galaxy allowed himself to lower his defenses as he turned towards the rest of his home.

Even through the closed windows, he could hear crickets chirping in the late night as he breezed through his house, climbing up the wooden stairs and all the way to the third floor. Galaxy let out another heavy breath as he began to relax, un-tensing his shoulders. He was home, where it was safe.

Galaxy turned down the hall, heading straight down to the very last door. He gently turned the knob and pushed open the door, peeking into the dark room.

The only light in the room came from a small blue light that sat on the edge of a side table. Galaxy couldn't help but smile as he stepped into the room, very quietly closing the door behind him. He walked slowly, shifting his weight from foot to foot and he did his best to keep the floors from creaking. As Galaxy reached the side of the bed, he easily slipped off his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed.

Slowly leaning down, Galaxy gently kissed the side of Void's forehead. Galaxy smiled brightly as he brushed the dark hair out of Void's face, an indescribable warmth filling his chest as he watched the young Steve sleep peacefully.

Void may have only been a few days old, but Galaxy could not ignore just how much he'd already grown to care for the Steve. Even if it was unintentional.

Galaxy kissed Void's head once more before he stood up and very quietly exited the room, heading down to his own bedroom and collapsing onto the soft mattress. His aching body settled and relaxed into the fuzzy sheet and he was fast asleep within seconds.

Though he was exhausted from the battles he had endured through the week, and also splitting himself in half only days ago, that still didn't stop Galaxy from getting up bright and early the next morning.

Galaxy yawned as he stepped back and leaned again the countertops. The delicious smell of food being cooked filled the downstairs. His eyes left the pan of sizzling bacon as he turned to look at the stairs as they creaked and groaned loudly. Maybe it was about time to replace those stairs. Who knows when they'd give in and snap.

Galaxy pushed that thought away for later as he watched Void emerge from the second floor and
descend down the stairs. The young Steve gripped onto the railing as he slowly took one step at a time, still quite fearful of falling. Once he reached the ground floor, Void looked up, a bright smile forming as he spotted Galaxy.

"Good morning." Galaxy smiled.

"You left your shoes in my room." Void replied with a quiet giggle.

Void shuffled into the kitchen, picking at his nails as he looked around the bright space and trying to make it familiar in his mind. Galaxy smiled before turning his attention back to the bacon, quickly pulling it off the heat before it began to burn.

He dumped the bacon onto a plate covered with thick paper towels, tossing the hot pan into the sink and running cold water as he began to pull down dishes from the cabinets. As Galaxy turned to set two plates onto the island, he found Void already munching on the bacon.

Galaxy let out a small, amused puff of air as he set the plates to the side and leaned against the counter. Taking a piece for himself, Galaxy ate slowly as he watch Void happily gobble down most of the bacon.

The kitchen was quiet, peaceful. This was nice. No fighting. No yelling. No destruction. Just good ole peace an quiet. Galaxy let out a long breath, he could relax. This was home, and home was safe.

But safe was discarded as the earth rumbled and the sound of massive trees hitting the ground shook in Galaxy's ears. Galaxy shot up, palm outstretched and fingers trembling as the families presence of his sword lingered on his skin, ready to be summoned with but a thought.

"What was that?" Void asked, his voice soft, terrified as he gripped onto the counter.

Galaxy ran his tongue along the roof out his mouth as he turned to Void, fighting with himself to keep his voice low and level. "Go to my room."

There was a hesitance, a moment of tense silence as Void stared deep into Galaxy's eyes. He shifted slightly, gaze dropping to the counter before right back to Galaxy. But Galaxy didn't miss that look. That look he himself knew he had. That moment of wanting to go against everything Galaxy said, that want to rebel and to fight.

But Void said nothing, his lips forming a thin line as the words stayed trapped within his throat. He only gave a small nod as the fear returned and replaced that stubbornness Galaxy knew was there, somewhere. Galaxy waited for Void to start heading back towards the stairs before running through the house and slamming past the front door.

He only stopped for a split second to make sure it locked behind him. He wasn't going to be taking any chances. Not now.

He jumped off the few steps and onto the hard, grassy ground. The warmth of his magic beginning to grow as he prepared himself for a fight. But there was nothing. Aside from the fallen trees that laid helplessly upon the earth, there was no sign of any danger. Not close by anyway. Still, Galaxy could feel the magic of another.

It wasn't him. But it sure was someone powerful. Someone's who's shear presence could cause Galaxy to crumple to his knees if they really wanted to. In a quick blink, Galaxy teleported to the fallen trees.

His fingers ran along the rough bark as the walked towards there the trees once stood. There is where he saw them.

Another Steve, like him, yet so much more. Galaxy's breath caught in his throat as the Steve turned to look at him.

Their face held no kindness nor any threat, rather, a curiosity as they seemed to inspect Galaxy from afar. Their bright blue eyes seemed endlessly deep and enticing as Galaxy found himself unable to stop staring until he forcefully pulled his eyes away from the Steve.

"Don't I know you?"

Random Nonsense: Steve Saga EditionWhere stories live. Discover now