*cHoAkS oN wAtEr*

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Dark, being the little shit he is, throws a note across the table. The note spun and slid before stopping just in front of Origin, who was about to take a bite of his breakfast.

Origin stared at the note for a few moments before picking it up and unfolding it. Rainbow, being the curious bean he is, peered over Origin's shoulder and read over the note as well.

"That's mean!" Rainbow gasped, feeling personally offended.

Dark snorted. "It's true though."

Origin stared at the piece of paper, his eyes scanning over the messy scribbling. "I don't get it."

"What is there not to get? I literally called you short." Dark said.

"With that kind of chicken scratch, I'm surprised Rainbow could even read what you wrote." Void said, also peering over Origin's shoulder.

"Chicken scratch?! How dare you!"

Elemental rolled his eyes, snatched the note from Origin's hands, and then rewrote the note, before handing the note back to Origin. "There."

Origin stared down at the note. Elemental's handwriting was much nicer than Dark's. "I still don't get it. What does it read?" Origin asked, looking up to everyone else.

Negative coughed, accidentally choking on his water. "Wait, do you not know how to read?"

"No...Am I supposed to?" Origin asked.

"Does that mean that you also can't write? Or even spell?" Elemental asked, almost in complete disbelief. Origin simply shook his head.

"Do you even know the alphabet?" Void asked, swirling around his coffee.

"Alphabet? That's not a real word, is it?" Origin looked up at Void, then to Rainbow for conformation.

"Oh my god, this is actually insane." Dark laughed.

"I can believe you don't know how to read or write." Negative said, shaking his head lightly.

"Listen, I didn't even know what reading was until I met Time." Origin said.

"I heard my name?" Time questioned, stepping into the kitchen.

"Origin can't read or write." Dark said.

"Well, as far as we know at least, he did just kinda pop into existence one day. And didn't have the best reputation in his life. So, I mean, it does kinda make sense as to why." Light said with a shrug.

"Well, there's no better time to learn than now." Void said.

"You'll teach me?" Origin asked, looking back to Void.

Void cleared his throat, averting his gaze from Origin's innocent filled eyes. "Yeah, i'll try my best."

Rainbow smiled brightly and rested his hand on Origin's shoulder, "I'll help teach you as well! Even in death, reading and writing are important skills to have."

"Count me in as well." Time said.

"Thank you! You guys are the best!" Origin smiled.

"Okay, but now I'm curious. What did the note actually say?" Negative asked.

Random Nonsense: Steve Saga EditionWhere stories live. Discover now