Slurmp - Actually a dream i turned into a oneshot, might become book *shrug*

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Sabre looked around the black, inky abyss. He wasn't sure how he got there, or even where there was. There was nothing. No light, no people, no objects, just darkness. It was almost as if he had simply closed his eyes, but this was different, darker almost.

Sabre had an uneasy feeling as he slowly looked around. He felt like he was being watched. Like something was watching...waiting. He had a very bad feeling about this place. And that was before he heard the voice.

"Hello, Little One."

Sabre spun around, searching for the voice as it echoed around him. The surrounding darkness became overwhelming as the echoing voice continued.

"Do not fret, Little One. I come with but a warning."

"Who are you?" Sabre yelled out into the abyss.

"I am the Abyss. Darkness and chaos personified. But do not fear, I mean you no harm. I have been looking for you, Little One."

"You've been...looking for me?"

"Of course. You are very special, Little One."

"Special how? And stop calling me that! I'm not little."

The voice chuckled, filling the inky void with an eerie feeling. "Hush Little One, there is no need for yelling. But yes, you are very very special. Your actions are going to determine the fate of many people and many worlds."

"How do you know that?"

"I am the Abyss, I see all, here all, know all. I am the past, the present, and the future."

"That sounds cheesy as hell." Sabre muttered.

"But none of that matters now."

"Wha-? But you just said that my actions were going go affect people!"

"Not anymore, Little One. Your journey as a hero is over now. You've won, the fight is over. It's time to come home now."

"You are literally contradicting yourself!"

"Calm, Little One. There is no need to be so defensive anymore, no one is in danger. You've won the fight." The voice grew softer, almost caring sounding.

Sabre shook his head. There were too many red flags. "That's not true. And even if that were true, I'd never be able to trust people as easily. Especially not someone like you." Sabre glared into the darkness. There had to be a way out.

"Ohh...of course. Your little cousin, Lucas is it? Things don't seem to be going so well on his side of the family, do they?"

"How the hell do you know about that!?"

"As I said Little One, I know all. Perhaps I could be of help to you?"

"I don't need, nor want, your help. I don't know you, and I'm definitely not going to trust you. What the hell even is this place?!"

"You can trust me Little One. I mean you no harm. We are in the void, my home. The only place I can truly exist without needing a host."


"Yes, I would need a second body in order to survive in other, outside worlds. So, instead, I simply watch from here, learning all I can to help people like you."

"But why? Why me? Why now? If you're really telling the truth, then where were you when I was fighting all those Steves? What about when I lost my bestfriend?! Or even when I had to get involved in this unnecessary, horrible family drama!?"

"I know, I know. And I am truly sorry about that, Little One. I should have tried to intervene sooner, but I am here now. Whatever troubles you, I am happy to help with."

Random Nonsense: Steve Saga EditionWhere stories live. Discover now