Dear teacher

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Author's note: This poem is all about my unpleasant childhood experience, where I've encounters numbers of teachers who didn't really took teaching as a passion and neglected their students or even abused them emotionally with questionable criticisms that could absolutely impacted them in the future. I just want to emphasize that this context does not applied to all teachers, but only for those teachers who could be related with the characteristics I've mentioned. Hope you enjoy this poem of trauma :,)

Dear teacher 

To be honest with you

There are times when I feel so stupid I found it pointless to even hold the pen in my hand anymore

I found it odd

and petrified

to the obsession of my friends have towards popularity until I even question my own self-worth 

I never certain that success is not define by fame until I'm 19

And when I'm 19, 

you're not there

I was alone 

But at peace

Maybe because I learnt that experience taught me better about life than you 

And I wish you knew it too

That messing with little hearts are a crime 

You knew it teacher 

That we are tired 

and hopeless 

and fatigue 

But you kept us going by pushing the pedal of our insecurities to produce the 'creativity' that the school wanted 

Stop comparing our talents 

stop making us feel bad about ourselves 

Because most of us learnt that the real world will start once we step out of this school 

and meet real people 

where we actually found contentment within ourselves 

Than remain silent like cracked whiteboards. 

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