fresh start

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I don't care

if you're a girl who's been called a dork for being friends with books

if you're a girl who prefers to cuddle with your bedsheets

if you're a girl who prefers pajamas over dolling up

if you're a girl who paints flowers until you sick of anything that looks perfect and beautiful because you didn't think you could be one 

if you're a girl who cries at night over stupid boys you imagined their potentials would someday show up

if you're a girl who think it's cringey for liking what you want just to please others

if you're a girl who's scared of eating a half-cut bread because the calories keep you awake at night

if you're a girl who finds it hard to even say "hello" because you're possessed with this anxiety that killed almost every chances of you making a friend

What I do care is

What would you do the moment you acknowledge your weaknesses 

and forgive yourself 

for life fresh starts 

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