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In places

Where wrong is a mistake

A haunting trauma

an endless punishment

A wreckless decision

A permanent scar and label

I hope

You'd still believe that there is hope

I wish

you would not blame the sunlight for reflecting warmth onto your eyelids

to let you know that the moon is not your only company

I hope you'll realise that

The stars, mists and rain also glimpses over your broken heart

Playing its music until your anger turns into waterfalls

I hope

You'll remember

That God is not a temporal hourglass

God is not a journal you'd keep only when you feel like writing

God is a lot more than death and punishment


If you feel like wrong is the only label God gave you to live

That's where you're truly wrong in the essence

of His compassion

in understanding your nature,

your soul and your body

You're wrong in the essence of life and second chances

In reality

Being wrong is good

It is welcome

to make eye contact with wrong's eyes

and replace it with right and love

with grace and patience

It is fleeting, however

to replace it with self- beating and loathing

and breaking without planning to tape in the pieces

You'll be there soon

when wrong remains as just a past

You'll make peace with it

In a world where you can't press the button of reverse

Just remember the time

where you actually understand these verses

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