Survivors of faith

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(Voice : Uighur Muslims)

Brother, are you there?
Mom, where are we?
This handcuff hurts
My face is bleeding
Mom why is it so dark
I can't see

My body has crumbled like a creased paper mom
My bones are crushed
My stomach burst
I am sick

Why are they  keep telling  us to
stop believe !
stop believe!

We're innocent
Yet they still ask us to live like a machine
I wish I could swap places with the dust
unnoticed and unbothered

At least
let go of the girls
They suffered too
They're being suffocated
strangled, and touched as if they are not like any other woman who doesn't wear a scarf on their heads

Please take me instead
Just let me meet my God
Because I want to show him these scars
and prostrate to him with grace
I don't blame him for my life
I just want him to put my pieces back together
to stand in front of the mighty and say
"After all these time I still believe in you Ya Rab".

Ya Allah
I want to tell you everything that I've seen
Everything that I've heard
But I wanna know
When they covered my eyes
what happen to my family?
Indeed You are the All-Seeing and All-Hearing
where are them Ya Rab?

I heard my mother's screams
my brother's tears
my sister's sobs
I even heard the crack of my father's bones and the evil laughs of those cold- blooded soldiers
Like watching other people's lives pass by as if it is some kind of entertainment you watch at a circus

I heard life is full of reality escapes
But I can't see any doors for me to run
I heard
life is full of people with music
that there are places where you can sleep soundly like a bear
I heard life is full of colours
but the only thing I saw was these grey metal bars surrounding us with firm force

even though life is beautiful
Heaven is enchanting
Heaven is miraculous
If sacrifices and blood and pain is what it takes to go to heaven
Then heaven must be more than that.

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