Nothing to say

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When I have nothing to say

I always 

stared at these blank pages and white screens

and ask

what does today taught me?

like soft wind blows over my heart

it tickles with perplexing keys of emotions

if I choose one of them

One color flares in awe

So today I picked red

Red showed me 

that whenever my eyes saw the world crashed every time I sinned

If the outcome is me reverting back to Allah

It is the biggest blessing I could ever wish for 

Then red left

I asked out loud I gasped for an answer

why red?

And he replied seconds before he diminishes 

I'm the color they described for blood and horror, yet I am once a combination of two colors they glorified

They often forget

that if they described my strength differently 

I am more than just 

a color to kill

but a color to empower

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