Thinking back, I was an idiot not to tell her sooner that Brian was my grandad. It wasn't a huge thing, but I remember the look on her face when she found out the first time we were at karaoke together. I chuckle to myself, remembering the different, yet comical, look on her face when Morgan found she had disclosed our sex life to my sister.

I saw Gemma try to sneak a bottle of vodka by me. Not sure why she felt the need to sneak it, I obviously don't care. In fact, I like when Morgan drinks. She becomes super cuddly and affectionate. Most times she is, but something in the alcohol makes it more prominent. Typically, she's a little more timid than most people. The alcohol also helps her let go and relax a little. It's nice to see.

"Good evening ladies, can I get you anything?" I ask, peeking my head into my bathroom. Both girls are standing in the mirror, one doing hair and the other doing makeup. Morgan looks fantastic as usual, but her hair is now down and straight.

"I think we're good, baby bro, thank you though." Gemma responds without tearing her eyes away from the mirror.

Morgan turns around and walks over to me, wrapping her arms under mine and around my waist. She looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Will you please get me a glass of ice water?" I can smell the vodka on her breath already, making me chuckle.

I lean in, stealing a kiss. "Yes."

"You're the best." She tells me and then turns back around, continuing her conversation with Gemma about her schooling.

Stephen comes up to me and asks to be picked up. It's not hard to see, but he is very attached to me, as I am to him. Even though he's not my son, I love him as if he was. Of course I agree and rest him on my hip while I get Morgan her water.

"Mom, you look nice." He compliments her while handing her the water we just poured for her.

"Thank you, bubs." She gives him a kiss on the forehead and a big smile.

I love watching the two together. She's amazing with him which is not surprising in the slightest. It warms my heart to know that even though his presence in her life was a bit of a surprise, she embraced him and is making the best life for him.

"Let's go and give your mum more girl time." I say to Stephen.

He nods in response and we go sit on the couch, waiting for Niall and Louis to show up.

They burst through the door about thirty minutes before we plan on leaving. Everyone else has showed up or left their rooms, now hanging out in the living room. Charlie and Eli are cuddled up the couch. Thomas, Greg and Mr. Stevens are standing closer to the kitchen, drinking some scotch. My grandma and grandad are speaking with Charlie and Eli while my mum is with the other group.

Finally, Morgan and Gemma make their way out of my room and join everyone. We spend the rest of the time just talking, Morgan sitting on my lap. This indicates to me, aside from her breath still smelling like vodka, that she's getting drunk. She has never shown this level of affection while in the same room as her family.

"Babe," she whispers in my ear, "I can't wait to get home later," her hand trails up the buttons of my shirt, "and show you how much I love you."

I bite my lip, trying not to groan at her insinuation. "Maybe when you sober up a bit, darling." I take her hand off my chest, and give the back of it a kiss.

We finally make it to the bar to start karaoke. The people working immediately recognize us, as this is a typical outing for my family.

The servers come over and get our drink orders while the DJs ask us if we want to start off with a song. I decline for myself, not super into the whole singing thing, but watch as my grandma and grandad go up to do a song.

Firewall {One Direction a.u.}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن