Embracing Destiny

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*start video @14:05

Vlad P.O.V

We managed to get back to my room without anyone noticing. Robin placed the crown on my pillow & I slid it at the foot of my bed. I filled him in on what I had been experiencing. Right now, I was desperate & hoped that he had a bright idea that didn't involve wearing it.

"Do you think I'm the Chosen One?" I asked

"Don't be daft. You're a rubbish vampire. There's no way it's you." He scoffed

"Maybe, I'm the Chosen One." He thought before grabbing the crown

"Robin, don't!" I pleaded as he crowned himself. He smiled for a moment before screaming & falling down in pain.

"No!" I yelled as I ran over to him

"hahaa, you should see the look on your face." Robin enjoyed as he sprang back up

"Haha, that wasn't funny." I snapped

"Oh, come' on, it was a bit funny." Robin laughed

"What if the prophecy's true?" I worried

"There's only one way to find out." He replied as he handed the crown over

I hesitantly accepted it. I fiddled with it for a bit before putting it on. Nothing happened at first which was a relief. But, the castle began to shake & I felt a massive rush of power. I tossed the crown off when I couldn't stop the shaking.

"Ok. Maybe that wasn't such a great idea." Robin admitted as he clung to my bedpost

"Playtime's over children. Dad wants his crown back." Ingrid grinned as Will gave it to her

"Don't give it to him. He'll die!" I begged

"Yes, it's tragic. Don't forget to bring a dustpan & brush." She smirked before flying back to the throne room

"Stay here. It's too dangerous." I instructed him. I rushed out but waited outside just in case.

"I mean it this time." I glared as he opened the door

With him in my room, I ran back to the throne room. Everyone was gathered including mum & Dad. Them & Ingrid were arguing at the throne. I joined in & tried to help mum with convincing dad to cancel this. Ingrid egged him on by reminding him of his "strength". Unfortunately, she won & Dad called for the ceremony to resume. Ingrid eagerly picked up the crown & slowly started to crown him. Just has it hovered over his head, I spoke out to save him.

"Stop!" I yelled which worked for a moment

"Can't you see that this is what she wants. You're going to die." I continued but Dad ignored me

"You're not the Chosen One. I am." I announced which stopped everyone. I got them into a laughing fit which was interrupted by the Branagh's in fruit costumes.

"We're so sorry for intruding Mr. & Mrs. Count. But there's been a most awful misunderstanding." Mrs. Branagh apologised as our guests slowly encircled them

"Oh really! Pray do tell." Dad asked

"Well, somebody, and I won't mention any names, thinks you're all...vampires." She replied

"Hahahaa. Vampires." Dad menacingly laughed

"I know it's ridiculous." Mrs. Branagh innocently laughed along

"Let them go." Mum hissed as she held me close. Dad ignored her as he slowly walked to them with Ingrid right behind.

"So because we wear capes, we're vampires." Dad stated as he dramatically flapped his cape

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